Amp cord setting frustrations...

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Amp cord setting frustrations...

Postby MindMech » Sat Sep 20, 2003 11:11 pm

Here's the problem I'm dealing with:

AmpVol is permanently attached to MIDI CC7. Which is great. I have it all set up on my knob box and use it to fade in and out when I need to...

Except when I start tweaking AmpVol with envelopes, LFOs, or other cords, after which everything goes to hell and I lose the ability to fade in and out.

Does anyone have any tips for keeping the fade in/out ability while still controlling AmpVol with cords?
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Postby sampleandhold » Sat Sep 20, 2003 11:41 pm

i have an idea.

it sounds like you have actualy disabled that controller. i think that controller is for some reason tied into the key+ or whatever the default is on cord 0. i have disabled that before to create an lfo amplitude modulation cord, because i was lazy and found that i had no more control over volume whatsoever.

if you are using an ampenvelope, you need to keep the cord 0 the same and set up your ampenvelope cord like this:

venvelope>amp>100% or whatever.

if you are using lfo to mod volume. do this:

lfo1~>amp>12%. typically you don't want to do anything higher then the default cord 0.

if that still causes problems, set the first cord as is, but set the percentage to zero. then set a new cord like this:
modwheel, or whatever source you want>cordamount(whatever your lfo cord is on)-12% or whatever gives you a desired effect. i just can't remember what way it goes with the modwheel.

hope this helps. if you still have issues you might want to reroute some kind of a controller to control ampvol by the midi cc's

i think you should be sorted though.
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that should be right^^^^

Postby blaze » Mon Sep 22, 2003 6:08 pm

when i have amp vol being controlled by something by 100% then i cannot moulate it via any other conroller, you have to let it have a 'share'...summin like this anyways.
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Postby MindMech » Tue Sep 23, 2003 1:22 am

Blaze, that's exactly the problem I'm having...

Which pisses me off.

You *should* be able to let the envelope control it 100% and still be able to fade out...

Damn it... This is frustrating.
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Postby sampleandhold » Tue Sep 23, 2003 4:19 am

i really have no idea what you guys are having problems with. i was able to take my emu set up an lfo to control the ampvol, set it at 100 percent, and i was still able to fade out.

other than my suggestion above i really don't know what is going on or how to help you guys.

the only other idea that i think might be the issue is that you are choosing the lfo+ or ampenvelop+. when i set my cord up using the lfo+ to control the ampvol i couldn't fade out. it actualy played at a pretty steady tone with a percentage of 100% and as i moved my midi mixer's channel down to zero it start to modulate and then finally cut out completely once it hit zero.

if you use the lfo~ source as i said before you should be able fade out using the midi mixer or draw a controller to do a fade.

maybe you guys can post the cords you are using so i can recreate them and see where the problems are. as far as i know, you can set your cord at 100 percent, and you can still fade out.

just not sure what you guys are actually doing though...
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Postby MindMech » Wed Sep 24, 2003 2:23 am

I'm not messing w/ LFOs on the ampvol... Using the amp envelope to make pads have a nice fadin... Either way, though, IMO, the AmpVol cord should be overridden by the MIDI CC7 permanent volume controller. That just makes more sense, IMO...
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Postby sampleandhold » Wed Sep 24, 2003 4:35 am

i use the lfo example because it easiest to see how it affects the ampvol. the lfo and the envelops all work pretty much the same way.

i did further experiments after my post and actualy had gone back to a patch i made only a few days ago. the amp envelope is already there. what i mean is, you don't have to route it to any cords or anything. you have three sets of envelopes avaible right, one is actualy a velocity evenlope, filter, and auxillary. if you set up that first enevelope, and actualy i am sure it will work for all the chords, you will have a different affect. they would then be used to create accents or change how the envelope acts as you hit the keys with different forces.

here is an example: lets say i route cord zero like this:


if i remember right i couldn't get this to fade out using the midi mixer in cakewalk. all it did as i tried to do a fade out was changed the way the envelope acted. so i tried this. i set up a new cord on 1 along with the one above:


i tried moving the modwheel and i discovered that i only had a little bit of fade out. but the envelope seemed to stay as it was before. so i made another cord like this:


so now when i use the mod wheel it fades the sound out completely.

i hope this might help you out mind mech. i will play around alittle bit more tonight with it, but what i gave should help. kind of redundant, but sometimes you have to double the amount of a cord to get the affect you want. i really do hope this helps you out.
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Postby sampleandhold » Wed Sep 24, 2003 8:28 am

did some more experimenting, i am not really have too much trouble getting my sounds to fade. i am still not quite sure why you guys can't get your sounds to fade. some slight problems with the venv's, they seem to only really start fade out when you get down to about ten. but i seem to have alittle more control over the fading when i routed the control of the amp to the modwheel as discribed in my other post. i actually got it to fade out with just one cord, instead of the two i had mention before. it just seems to go really fast though. almost like when you set the default amp controller cord to 100 percent. when you do this the sampler shuts the amp off even at hard velocity hits. the velocity curve becomes very steep. maybe setting it to 100 percent, if that is what you are doing, might be causing the issue...

for some reason, i think i remember seeing a section somewhere that gives you a velocity curve. i think default is linear but i think there are other choices also. you can change the curve and perhaps there you could have a better fade out. i just can't remember where that section is. might be under global... well, i will look into it if this doesn't help you out. this should help, but since i don't know exactly how you are setting up your cords, i just don't know what is going on. but, i hope this helps.
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