cords help needed with hihats and such

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cords help needed with hihats and such

Postby mtthwwllm » Mon Sep 29, 2003 12:10 am

how would i go about setting up some cords so that i can stop a sample by triggering another sample. i want to do this so that i can have my open-hihat close when i hit the regular close-hihat.
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Joined: Mon Apr 14, 2003 9:19 pm

Postby Klaseed » Mon Sep 29, 2003 12:19 am

This isn't actually a cord function.

To gate samples by other samples, you'll need to set up a monophonic Assign Group for the samples you want to effect.

So, to set this up:

From Preset Edit|Voices, select the first Voice you want to gate - the open hihat, and hit F6 Edit Voice. From the Voice Setup screen, go to Tuning->Next->Next. You'll see AssignGroup: PolyAll. Change PolyAll to Mono A.

There are actually 9 Mono AssignGroups per preset, A-I, and any samples in the same AssignGroup will behave as told to by that Group (i.e polyphonic all, 8-voice, 4-voice, or Monophonic).

Now, select the second Voice - the closed hihat - and change it to Mono A as well.

Now, both Voices are grouped into a monophonic AssignGroup, which means that only one of those voices can play at a time. So, when you have an open hat playing and the closed hat plays, the open hat will be cut off.
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Postby mtthwwllm » Mon Sep 29, 2003 1:29 am

thanks for the quick response, i would never have figured that out. im sure it can be applied to some other cool stuff besides the hihats
Posts: 44
Joined: Mon Apr 14, 2003 9:19 pm

Postby sampleandhold » Mon Sep 29, 2003 1:30 am

i tried that with latch mode on, but every time i hit a different key, it made a click.... i set it up as you discribed klaseed... have you experienced that before, or was it just my sample, or the nature of latch mode?
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