Bowed Strings

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Bowed Strings

Postby sturoc » Thu Aug 14, 2008 1:07 am

Wondering how to achieve this:
Can a strings preset be built so that as the mod wheel is moved it controls the amount of either attack, speed and or intensity , of a bow across solo strings /string ensemble?
Since I am not too savvy with my E6400 step by step would be great if it can be done
Thanks and glad to see site is alive and well .

CME UF 6 controller
E 6400 classic
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Location: Colorado USA

Postby sampleandhold » Fri Aug 22, 2008 8:27 pm

Some of what you want may by possible, while some may not. Sure you can control the attack using velocity controller... however, the speed of the bow over a string is something that I have not even considered. What you would have to do to do this is figure out what the difference is between playing the bow slowly versus quickly. What does it do to the sound? Obviously, the speed of the waveform is not changed when you use the bow more quickly because that would result in a change of pitch. See, I played the violin for years and to be honest... the only outcomes that come to mind when I played the violin with quick bow strokes over slow ones was this:

Slow resulted in maybe a more exaggerated attack and decay... While quicker bow strokes resulted in less attack and decay but, when done improperly, a small pause between the down and up motions of the bow. Done properly though, the sound should be a fairly constant one. So... I am not sure if the ability to replicate this real world parameter would be benificial to the authenticity of the string samples...

But then, I haven't touched a violin in years.

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Postby sturoc » Sun Aug 24, 2008 5:00 am

Thanks SnH ,

You've made clearer the actual action of what i am trying to do.
To further: A preset as one is strkiing the string (s) with the bow repeatedly slow to fast (staccato ?)
now the preset would be set so as the mod wheel is pushed forward the speed of the bow strikes goes from slow to fast pitch stays same as you mentioned though.
I am not home right now to try to create this but any other thoughts on how/if it can be done ?
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Location: Colorado USA

Postby sampleandhold » Fri Aug 29, 2008 7:09 pm

One idea, but probably not as raw as I would prefer, is to find your string sample that you feel is in the middle and timestretch it to mimic the kind of thing your after. You'd timestretch the sample shorter to get that staccato feel, providing there isn't any weirdness with how the machine timestretches and of course slower for slower longer strokes.

The other idea is to find a string sample, cut the attack and decay off. Loop it using the samplers loop feature. If you can, get a few seconds of a sound. When looping use the cross fade feature, play with compression and try to do the largest amount of crossfade as possible. Hopefully, if the sound is good you can get a smooth flowing loop that sounds like a sustained string.

With this, you can set your attack and decay as you like, however, to create the varying attack and decay, I would personally use a velocity controller, unless you really need to have dynamics, and try to get the velocity controller adjust at least the attack of the sound. However, this might be hard because it tends to do funky things, at least when I do it, which is cool, but may not be what your looking for.

The final idea is to make several presets that you can program change between to get the sound your after. Each one with the desired attack and decay.

That's about all I can think of.

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