Break processing help!

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Break processing help!

Postby breaktheory » Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:36 pm

so i'm trying to make my own breaks (both one hit constructions and old 70s shit ripped from vinyl) - something along the lines of turning the very flimsy original worm break into the drum and bass staple it's become and something along the lines of creating the one hit stuff teebee blessed us with on black science labs.

of course i want to use the new toy emu to get this going...anyone have any tips on the best way to process breaks through the emu to give them some real thump. I'm thinking that giving each slice it's own voice and filter setting would be a good start but I don't want to overcook or add too much low end...i'd like them to be very close to useable when i'm done and not end up eqing the shit out of them once they're back in logic.

thanks ya'll
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Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:50 am

Postby sampleandhold » Fri Jan 02, 2009 6:02 am

The emu is wonderful machine, but I have actually stopped using it for the time being. Thus, my absence on this board. I finally made a break the way I have always wanted to but it wasn't with the emu. But, I suppose the same techniques could be applied.

You know that FIR button... get to know it and love it. It takes a bit, so I would do one hits, but it will make sure that everything is running the same direction and it eq's extremely well. What I found worked in my other environment was to layer the break on top of it's self and eq one layer to accent the high end, if that is what you want to go for and it made the break shine.

With the emu though, the timing can be a bit of an issue so make sure you layer in a voice. Never do separate channels. So, if you hit the key for a kick drum, it should play every layered sample at once. Then when you are done, resample. Also, make sure you cut the break as best you can. I have a post some where on here about that from a few years ago.

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Re: Break processing help!

Postby crytek » Sat May 16, 2009 7:58 pm

@ snh

Say you have a chopped break, is it possible to still lay the break on top of itself, or would you do that with a whole break then chop later?
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Re: Break processing help!

Postby sampleandhold » Sat Jul 25, 2009 6:42 am

College sucks. The website has changed, shocking actually. I think you probably already know the answer, but if not, I will tell you what I would do.

I would resample the break on top of it's self because of the fact that the sampler has some timing issues. I find that even if you assign the different samples to the same key, you can sometimes have slight issues, but it shouldn't be too noticable. It's up to you, it just depends on what you are tolerant of. If you want exact, resample, if you don't, just cut and layer the same sample on the same key over and over again.

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