Can this Akai cutoff be replicated on an EMU 6400 (mp3 link)

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Can this Akai cutoff be replicated on an EMU 6400 (mp3 link)

Postby sgbfree » Wed Nov 12, 2008 1:48 pm

Hello all. I'm stuck!

I've been attempting to create a cutoff (triggered by key velocity) on my EMU 6400 Ultra, but the EMU's low-pass filters seem to produce a dull lo-fi sound in comparison. I've tried altering the MIDI velocity setting but have had no success.

Do you have any tips on replicating the linked Akai S3000 mp3's effect? You'll see it retains the high-end and behaves more like a VCF cutoff, and generally sounds more 'squelchy'.
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Postby illinformed » Wed Nov 12, 2008 8:27 pm

I'm finding it hard to tell as I really need a clear 'before and after' sample.
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Postby sgbfree » Wed Nov 12, 2008 9:40 pm

Thanks for replying, I've uploaded the raw sound now. Maybe I'm doing it wrong in using a low-pass filter to act as a cutoff?
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Postby kalide » Fri Nov 14, 2008 12:12 am

What Q/Resonance settings are you using.

Q defines the "squelch" when you hit certain points in the frequency range that cause the filter to self oscillate. Higher Q's will set the depth and impact of the self oscillation which introduces additional harmonics for extra dirt :)

Q is the key to ensuring cutoff behaves like a VCF.

In EOS 4.6+ (at least on my boxes - E4 platinum, E5000), there are various filter types - low pass, band pass etc, Q can be modulated to vary the effect.

Q can also be modulated during the envelope release cycle when using EOS 4.7.

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Postby sgbfree » Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:47 pm

Thanks, I've made a breakthrough. Not by any means the final *sound* I'm wanting, but the Cords are on the right track.

00 Vel< AmpVol +1%
01 PitWl Pitch +57%
02 Vel< C04Amt -100%
03 VEnv< 'FilRes +100%
04 Vel< C05Amt +100%
05 FEnv+ FillFreq +28%

4-pole low-pass 9138Hz

A delayed 1st attack in the Filter Envelope to give a squelchy stab at the beginning of the sound. ie. to let it pass without cutoff for the beginning of the sound.
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Postby kalide » Fri Nov 14, 2008 9:46 pm

oooh - thats a good sound! nice job.

you could alos give it some nice movement with small amount of low speed LFO on the Resonance and cutoff to give it a slight analog old school drifting voltages feel as it plays out - use free running lfo.

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Postby sgbfree » Sat Nov 15, 2008 8:54 pm

That's a great tip - I'll be giving it a go as I've not touched LFOs yet.

It looks like I've got a lot of fun ahead of me shaping sounds with the EMU. It was actually a pass-me-on from my Akai owning friend, and I held off from using it for a long while (Kontact's ease of use was just too tempting at first..).

Now, I'm leaning far more towards outboard gear - there's just so much more soul (and leads!) and that's what music should be about.
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Postby Mr_F » Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:25 am

Also try..

pink noise -> lag 1 in
Lag 1 -> cutoff or pitch (just a tiny bit)

Same kind of effect as mentioned with the lfo but the results are a totally random modulation with each key press
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Postby sgbfree » Mon Dec 01, 2008 9:09 pm

That worked really well, thanks. As you say, just a tiny bit is the key. I think it works well layering a 'click' of the same sound with no low-pass to give the sample more bite with lower key velocities.
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