probl?m with an IDE HD internal

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probl?m with an IDE HD internal

Postby boiperso » Sat Feb 28, 2009 12:09 pm

It is the second time that my HD IDE samsung 80 G 2.5 blocks the EOS (4,7) of my EMU 6400 ULTRA. I was transferring from the wav with SOUND FORGE via my PC with a connection SCSI and I progressively safeguarded the banks on disc IDE of the samplor, all did well. At one time I safeguarded and a message posted ?device is full? whereas the disc is far from being filled? and there the bank which I safeguarded disappeared and impossible to reach the file of the disc in which this bank was safeguarded. The EOS blocked to oblige rebooter the machine but impossible to open this file. on the other hand I completely can cherger of other banks located in other files of the disc. Am very anxious, do not understand. there is a few months that had made the same breakdown.
This disc can it be incompatible with this samplor?
This disc can it have defective sectors?
This disc is it too large (80G)
do you have an idea of the breakdown?

Thank you very much !
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Joined: Sun Feb 17, 2008 9:11 pm

Postby kalide » Sat Feb 28, 2009 6:04 pm

Even though the drive might be 80G, the Emu has limitations on how many files and folders it can handle which from memory is something like 1000....

it mentions this in the EOS 4.7 PDF notes on under support/legacy samplers etc.

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Postby boiperso » Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:08 pm

thank you for your answer. I know this limitation but I am far from the 1000 files. I do not understand from which my problem comes.
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Re: probl?m with an IDE HD internal

Postby Ashe37 » Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:21 am

Was the drive formatted with the Emu file system? that seems to have a limit of 20 GB... FAT32 allows up to 128 GB.
Yamaha KX-25 TG-33- Korg M3 EMX-1 MS2000BR - Ensoniq VFX ESQm
Roland Juno-106 MKS-50 - Emu e6400 Ultra - Alesis Micron - Waldorf Blofeld
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Re: probl?m with an IDE HD internal

Postby MFPhouse » Wed Jul 01, 2009 12:35 pm

you need "fat" format.
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Re: probl?m with an IDE HD internal

Postby Ashe37 » Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:13 pm

Its an 80 GB drive, he needs FAT32. FAT 16 can't format an 80 GB drive
Yamaha KX-25 TG-33- Korg M3 EMX-1 MS2000BR - Ensoniq VFX ESQm
Roland Juno-106 MKS-50 - Emu e6400 Ultra - Alesis Micron - Waldorf Blofeld
Posts: 11
Joined: Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:18 am

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