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Postby oneano » Sat Aug 08, 2009 11:52 pm

I just got my e5000 and like everything else in my studio I want to know if their is anything undocumented that it does. Maybe some hidden parameters, or easter eggs. What about OS hacks or a modified OS for the ultra series?
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Re: Hacks?

Postby kalide » Sun Aug 09, 2009 3:11 pm

Spend time reading this board. There's lots of hardware hacks and "upgrades". As to the OS, given its complexity, nobody has attempted a hack yet to my knowledge since unlike analog synths which are basic MIDI to control signal mappers in about 8 to 32K of ROM, the Sampler's OS controls a lot of hardware, complex proprietary DSP chips and effects processors, a range of optional peripherals and on motorola coldfire processors.

Have a look at the floppy replacement stuff - attacing a USB drive to the sampler.

Check out OS 4.7 (the last rev before emu went bye bye).

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Re: Hacks?

Postby oneano » Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:17 pm

I have been in the process of moving into a new house for the last few days. But my down time has been spent with the e5k and it is totally amazing. I cannot believe what this machine is capable of. I cannot wait to get it hooked up to my PC and see what I can automate. Im still looking for those easter eggs and hidden parameters.
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Re: Hacks?

Postby om » Fri Oct 23, 2009 9:30 pm

I just replaced the floppy on my E5000 with the CF reader/writer and man its a new machine. getting stuff on it is pretty easy. The hack was dead easy. Got it from SCSI for samplers. They are good.
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Re: Hacks?

Postby FoxVernon » Sat Oct 24, 2009 12:05 am

I did the same. Having a CF card reader rocks. I just have to remember not to take the CF card out while the machine is still on! :shock:
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Re: Hacks?

Postby illinformed » Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:22 pm

Can we get a one post sticky of the CF card procedure? Would be very useful as most of the posts are a bit fragmented.
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Re: Hacks?

Postby FoxVernon » Thu Oct 29, 2009 1:41 pm

illinformed wrote:Can we get a one post sticky of the CF card procedure? Would be very useful as most of the posts are a bit fragmented.

That's a good idea. This modification is extremely helpful!

That said, I think everyone who has done this has bought their CF card reader from http://www.scsiforsamplers.com. (If someone did the modification on their own, then speak up!) Currently, it cost $99 for the internal CF card reader (which JD, at SCSI for Samplers, builds himself). (The external version is $144.) Then you must pay for the kit to fit the internal CF card reader into the EMU (it varies, but for most EMU's it's around $10), you need a CF card or cards, and you need a CF card reader for your PC. Altogether, it cost me exactly $150 to get everything I needed (included CF card reader for my PC and shipping for everything.)

JD sends out instructions for installing, which are fairly easy, though I ran into some questions, but it was simple enough to call JD and he guided me through the process. JD's instructions explicitly ask that they not be reposted.

I'm sure you could build this type of thing yourself, but I'm not handy at that, so if you want to go that route, you're probably best off taking a peak at the SCSI for Samplers web site.
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Re: Hacks?

Postby om » Thu Oct 29, 2009 9:33 pm

SCSI for samplers sends a detailed description of the mod when you purchase the CF Reader writer. The instructions were pretty good with pictures of the process. I didn't have any issues.
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Re: Hacks?

Postby A3ON » Sat Feb 27, 2010 4:57 pm


I was thinking of installing a CF reader in my emu and stumbled on these:

http://www.addonics.com/products/flash_ ... midecf.asp

There ide and not scsi - but a lot cheaper that the scsi ones on scsiforsamplers.

Does anyone know if they work?

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Re: Hacks?

Postby kalide » Fri Mar 05, 2010 5:54 am

IDE port is a bit funny - master only and not removable.

Better option might be to use the IDE CF and a SCSI-SD convertor - that supports removable drives. A-CARD IDE-SCSI bridges seem to work and appear from time to time on e-Bay



Incidentally, I've seen a few SCSI-SATA adapters appearing now so anyone wanting to look at SATA drive options might want to experiment down that path.

I've not tried it...been using too much Ableton lately to bother though I will be integrating the Platinum into the workflow when time permits. Time. Used to have a lot more it seems. Anyone have a the Emu Ultra Time Machine ROM Option ? ;-)

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Re: Hacks?

Postby emax2boy » Sat May 15, 2010 10:28 am

So will these CF card readers work in my E4XT on 240v? once the CF is installed how to you go about loading emu sound library onto the CF from my PC?

is it as simply as download sound library move files onto CF and then Put CF into E4XT and away we go???
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Re: Hacks?

Postby mosrob » Sun May 16, 2010 10:09 am

Nowadays all power supplies of external cases fit to 110V/60hz & 220V/50hz.
The internal version uses of course the power supply of the E4.

If your E4XT is of the ultra-series and EOS 4.70 (beta) is installed, then your E4 can read/write from/to storage media with FAT32-format.
In this case you can swap the CF-card between E4 & PC and exchange files via the CF-card.

If you have EOS 4.61/4.62(classic) or lower installed then you have to use e.g. Translator from Chickensys to write to storage media with EOSFAT-format respectively to a virtual drive with EOSFAT-format that can bes transferred to the CF-card or written to a CD-RW/CD-Rom.
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Re: Hacks?

Postby efunc » Sun May 30, 2010 4:30 am

kalide wrote:IDE port is a bit funny - master only and not removable.

Better option might be to use the IDE CF and a SCSI-SD convertor - that supports removable drives. A-CARD IDE-SCSI bridges seem to work and appear from time to time on e-Bay

So does the SCSI bus allow you to hot swap the CF cards while the sampler's powered, whereas with the IDE bus the cards cannot be unmounted without powering down first?

I'm looking into mounting options too. To allow easy access to the CF Card I guess one of the expansion ports could be used, although you'd have to be able to reach around to the back of the sampler (not a great problem in my case). Alternatively has anyone tried one of those slim-floppy drives which also combine CF and SD card slots in the bezel? I know a few ASR10 & EPS16+ users are experimenting with them (as I might do too). With the Ensoniq samplers you need to retain the floppy disc since the sampler will often need to load the OS from floppy, such as when formatting a SCSI drive. If that's not the case with the E4XT Ultra then I guess the entire floppy drive could be completely removed. I'd like to see a complete FAQ on this topic with pictures, etc. There are so many different solutions now, some that work, and many that don't, that we need to gather all the info together somewhere. Is there a thread anywhere that covers?

Thanks for the info!
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