by Klaseed » Wed Dec 03, 2003 3:55 am
Well, you're going to have to read the manual, and read it well. Especially the part about Preset Editing and cords.
But, here's a quick guide:
-Get a nice long sample sample, put in in a preset. Assign that preset to a MIDI channel
-In Preset Edit, select the voice, and hit Edit Voice.
-Go into Amp/Filt and hit right twice.
-You'll be in the filters page, and see 2-pole Low Pass, with cutoff set at 20000 and Resonance set to 0.
-Turn the Cutoff to 0.
-Hit right again, you'll see the filter envelope. Change Atk2 to, say, 50.
-Now, go to Cords. You'll see six entries. CO5 will say FEnv+ -> 0% -> FilFreq (or something like that - I can't believe I forgot!)
-Play the note.
You should hear the Filter open up over time.
What you've done is turned the cutoff all the way down, then chosen to have the Filter Envelope modulate it fully (that's waht the 100% means). The Cords allow you to do much crazier modulations than this.
This is really basic, and you do have to read the manual, but this is a good example (I hope) of the way the Filters and cords interact.
"It doesn't work, and neither do we"
WTB: Digital option board for my Ultra :)