by sampleandhold » Wed Apr 07, 2004 4:49 am
this one is good for breaks. specificaully breaks that are cut up into sixteen notes. I will use the amen as a refrence break for this. I call this a downward expantion adsr because this adsr will actually seem to, if set correctly, bring the hits out more on a break. it almost acts like a gate. at least that is the illusion. the only problem is that the there is a little bit of a quiver to the break. and there is even more you can do with this amp setting.
what you have to do is go into your amp section on your break preset, set everything to zero. everything. yes, everything.
now take attack 1 and set it as follows:
rate 0
level 100
now take attack 2, the second attack stage of the adsr as follows:
rate 20 to 25 (work it until it sounds as good as it will be)
level 0
so, the graphical representation of the adsr should look like a right angle triangle.
extreme settings with the second stage attack (where talking like 3 to 5 here, and don't use 0 that is silly, you have no signal there, but poly is used up) you can almost get a beat box type sound, or a really fast cutting effect. something that might be useful since you wouldn't have to spend the afternoon drawing in control values in your favorite sequencer. and extreme values of the kind like second stage rate at 100, seem to flatten the break out, making the hits go back towards the brack ground.
now, there is something you can do with the first stage attack. if you set the rate of that at about 10 or 15 or so, you will get a pretty convincing reverse sounding effect. not like the real thing. but good enough. at least you don't have to try to figure out how to sequenced a reverse hit and it also saves time having to reverse every single hit.
now you can set up cc's to control these two attack stages. this would go something like this:
midi A (just for the sake of argument)...
midi A>venvrts>-100%
midi B>venvatk>+100%
okay these cords have a bit of a strange thing. there is a long period on both where there seems to be no actual change. so i will tell you guys what works and at what range. at a cc message of 0 both cords are open, no effect to the sound. with midi A, a setting of 5 will give you a good reverse sound with an illusionary consistant level. now midi B is the complete opposite of midi A, but is far more the more useful of the two controllers. at a value of 80, considering you put the second stage attack rate at 100, you get that some what tighter sounding type effect, at 85 or 90 you get a chopping effect and at 95 you get a beat box sounding effect, at 100 you close the amp out.
try this out and have fun. I would suggest using the amen if you have it and play around with it. you should be able to come up with different effects.