How are these done ?

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How are these done ?

Postby blackcat » Wed Nov 24, 2010 10:57 am

Hey guys

I'm new to the Emu and specially to working with a Modular System (chords). So just slowly start to see the possibilties of this (they are huuuuuge :mrgreen: ). But i don't get how certain routings are done.

Found some example basses on this page:

How to get source sound from an 808 is clear but i got some modulation or fx questions:

Now there are 2 Sounds where i was wondering how they where done:

1st: ... ent-at-424


Now on the 2nd Sequence i have a thing which i realy was wondering how he made this:
First you hear the lfo slowly modulating the filter, but then it changes the speed. The sound is mooving and not just 1/2 whawhawha. Rather alive.
So how do you think this was made ? Is there some good chords to do this ? Or do you think he just recorded different attempts with different settings ? Or could this be made out of one sound ? (assume several voices ) or is it even one with sick modulations ? :shock:

AAAND: I found a thread somewhere, where someone was telling, that it's possible to for ex let the Filter Env modulate the cutoff and THEN AFTER this the LFO Starts to run. So this would run like in a series and not all at the same time. How do i achive this ? I'm can't understand how this is made. (with some trigger routet ???) No clue ... help would be veeeeerrryy cool 8-)

cheers guys
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Re: How are these done ?

Postby JackT1989 » Wed Nov 24, 2010 8:56 pm

Hey mate! just managed to get a sound similar to the one you are talking about so i thought i would return the help from my post haha. If you go into the cords mode you would obviously set the LFO to modulate the frequency however much you want, but then in another cord slot choose something that will modulate the LFO rate, which is called "Lfo1Rt" in the destination option. In my case i am using the modulation wheel of my MIDI controller which is plugged into the EMU so i just selected "ModWl" in the source bit. Hope that helps :)
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Re: How are these done ?

Postby nuts » Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:32 am

it's possible to for ex let the Filter Env modulate the cutoff and THEN AFTER this the LFO Starts to run. So this would run like in a series and not all at the same time. How do i achive this ?

I don't have my emu anymore (waiting to buy one again) but you can engage the delay on the LFO page. Plus you can restart the cycle of the lfo every time a key is played. I don't remember the parameter name but you get the idea.

You can get intricate modulations using layers, and programming voices crossfades with modwheel :
Lets say on Voice 1 you have a sub layer set as above (filter enveloppe, delayed LFO). On Voice 2 to you have a more midrange layer of the bass, chorused and filtered with a z-plane.
You press a key, modwheel down, the sub layer kicks in and modulates. Now you start to play with modwheel and once you turn it up enough (you set crossfade duration on the voices pages, somewhere) the hi-passed layer starts to kick in and mdoulate...
Just another trick. Imagine that with reversed beats/vox etc.

Plenty of tricks to search for.
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Re: How are these done ?

Postby nuts » Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:01 am

Lol, i learned that trick here 5 years ago and didn't even remember:
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Re: How are these done ?

Postby blackcat » Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:02 am

hehe thx about the crossfading hint nuts. Just tried this a week ago but since i just got the emu i didn't know all the possibilites with layering and stuff :grin: Realy have to get into layerin (tried a bit yesterday and even with just two layers it sounded quite nice). but def. got to check the crossfade thing again.

@JackT: Thx for your hint as well. Tried this yesterday too, but it's not exactly what i want. Because like this the LFO Rate (speed) is controlled over an Envelope. Meaning that the Envelope will change the "speed" of the LFO. Of course this is cool as well :)

But what i was looking for is like:

a modulation for ex on the filter cutoff:
- where the cutoff is ONCE modulated by the envelope (just one cycle)
- and then an lfo start's to swing in.

possible ?
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Re: How are these done ?

Postby nuts » Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:09 pm

- where the cutoff is ONCE modulated by the envelope (just one cycle)

Unless you choose to loop the enveloppes (don't remember if you can in emu) it is what is happening everytime you press a key.
If you meant that the enveloppe does only trigger when the first key is played, i can only think of trying to automate the enveloppe filter depth with a control change or play it on a midi controller.

and then an lfo start's to swing in.
What i said above, delay it.
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Re: How are these done ?

Postby JAHFUNK » Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:51 am

hi blackcat
Are you using a controller with 12 knobs/sliders?
Do you have eos 4.7 running?
If so I can mail you some patches with cord settings that give you realtime control of the envelopes of both the amp and filter sections with tweakable freq and rez aswell as realtime send levels for the 2fx and chorus. With this you can setup a sound to modulate in a very controlable way by just tweakin a few knobs. I use a M-Audio Trigger Finger for this and it has turned my samples into a oscillators that can be modified by the synth section of the emu very easily.

M-Audio Trigger Finger


Judging by the music you are interested in you might also be interested in my patches for a wobble bass that is not only modulated and timed to the bpm of a track but goes from 8 cycles of filter mod per bar to 16 with the tweak of the mod wheel. wa.wa.wa.wa. w.w.w.w.w.w.w.w. :shock: CRAZY
let me know if this is of use. :mrgreen:
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Re: How are these done ?

Postby blackcat » Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:57 pm


yeah got some midi keyboard with faders and sliders on it :) so probably i should be able to assign the things ....

but i haven't got eos 4.7 (stuck with 4.61 because i got an e4x). So if the presets will work on this too, i would def. be interessted in
some sounds you created ... nice to experiment and learn more for sure :) drop me a message ....

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Re: How are these done ?

Postby JAHFUNK » Fri Dec 10, 2010 1:03 am

check out these badass bass sounds
You gotta listen to them on some big speakers or headphones to do it justice.
Big Booty Bitches

Now how The fuck dey do dat :???: ;) :grin:
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Re: How are these done ?

Postby A3ON » Tue Feb 08, 2011 12:09 am

HI Jahfunk,

Just read your post, and was wondering how you set up the cords below to achieve this. Im pretty good with the emu but cant see how you done this?


"Judging by the music you are interested in you might also be interested in my patches for a wobble bass that is not only modulated and timed to the bpm of a track but goes from 8 cycles of filter mod per bar to 16 with the tweak of the mod wheel. wa.wa.wa.wa. w.w.w.w.w.w.w.w. :shock: CRAZY
let me know if this is of use"
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Re: How are these done ?

Postby mosrob » Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:37 am

A3ON wrote:...
Just read your post, and was wondering how you set up the cords below to achieve this. Im pretty good with the emu but cant see how you done this?

It's exactly the other way round:
JAHFUNK is looking for assistance as he would like to know how this sound is done.

In BIG BOOTY BITCHES und in SLEAZEE you can hear a lot of modulated sounds where I assume that every sound has it's own MIDI sequence.
The modulations used are mostly to a low pass filter or a high pass filter, depending on the frequencies to be cut, and pitch modulation that are realized via an envelope, a LFO or other realtime modulation (MIDI CC messages). Of course are these options not new.
You have to sit down and setup sound by sound. That's a lot of work if you have to start from scratch but as you know, If you keep on working, there will be a point where the work is done.
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Re: How are these done ?

Postby JAHFUNK » Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:31 am

Yeah the Dirtyloud stuff is not my creation

I just wanted to throw some interesting sound design examples into the emusonacid discussion stew

These tracks perfectly illustrate the results that can be achieved (as mosrob points out) with some smart programming of the emu cords section using cont controllers mapped to the filters and then driving them from a sequencer

If you want the dubstep wobble bass and a few other cords that I have created then go to these are a bunch of patches I have made that use the midi clock sources and map them to the filter to wobble at differently clocked speeds depending on the mod wheel position
These patches locks up to your sequencers tempo and will stay in time with your track even if the BPM shifts within the tune (midi clock source is so cool)

I was going to post some more stuff that turns the emu into a 4 OSCILATOR SYNTH with mixable sub osc - mixable white noise - adsr amp - adsr filter - filter cutoff - rez - detune depth - chorus depth all on separate cont controllers but I have not had any feedback on the last one I put up

I don't want any arse lickin' but a thanks would be good guys

REMEBER We are ment to be a community and perhaps by pooling our knowledge we can improve the music we all make

AND I just wanted to share this with you as you are probably all big headphone fans ;)

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Re: How are these done ?

Postby A3ON » Wed Feb 09, 2011 9:38 am

Hi Jahfunk,

Thanks for your reply, my main question was how you set the mod wheel to change the rate of the midi clock source? I cant load in your patches as i have no floppy disk drive in either my laptop or home pc :(

I can share some of knowledge for others on what i been doing lately:

I start off with a bass sound preferably with a lot of mid (emu filters love mid and distortion) into my desk. I mono both channels and either apply distortion to one chan or overdrive the channel with desk gain, i think its important to layer with orig bass as this retains some of the sound.

I then sample into the emu and copy the sample to a new sample slot, i then gain this sample so its clipped. In a pre-set i layer both and use zplains to shape the sound, at this point im not interested in filtering to bpm (ie wobble) its to get a sound. Then i internal resample and do the above process again up to 3 times. Some times i move the cutoff slowly to get an evolving sound, but not enough to effect any bpm of the track.

Once im happy with the sound, i then create a new patch and double up my final sample twice in a preset (or use original sample and emu filtered sample). On voice 1 i set up zplain filtering and leave voice 2 unaffected by the filter. The i set up amplitude xfade (as explained in tutorial section of this forum) and map a controller to change both filter cut off and xfade. This morphs from my clean voice sample to a filtered sample. Then you can do all the usual stuff on the filtered distorted voice like using filter envelope etc and control the amount of filtered voice to clean via ampxfade, or go crazy and morph using cc's.

From here you can go crazy by layering bass samples created in the same method or other sounds and morphing between the two.

I hope this makes sense ;)
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Re: How are these done ?

Postby JAHFUNK » Thu Feb 10, 2011 3:06 am

Here are some patch cords for you to use.
These chords open and close the filters so they sound best on bass sounds that have plenty of mid frequencies (saws - reeses) Loop the sound for a sustained wobble.
With these patches use the mod wheel to change clock rate.

(8 to 16 filter pulses per bar clocked to midi)

CHORD NO------------SOURCE-----------------DEST---------------AMOUNT
02 -------------------- ModWl -----------------CO4 Amt----------+100
03 ------------------- ModWl -----------------CO5 Amt--------- -100
04 ------------------- Ck16th----------------- FiltFrq -------------+0
05 ---------------------Ck8th ----------------- FiltFrq -------------+100
06 ---------------------MidiA ----------------- FiltFrq--------------+100
07----------------------MidiB ----------------- FiltRes-------------+100
08 ---------------------CkQtr----------------- AmpPan------------+25

Global Preset Page
A,B,C+D = 0

Set filter page to Freq 57 Hz (fully closed) try out the diffent filters to find what works best. I recommend you sart out with one of the low pass filters.
Chord no 8 adds some subtle clocked pan to the sound.
If you change the source values of chords 4 and 5 you can have different clock times fireing the filter.
If you add more cords like these but assign the clocks to other destinations like res, vol or even stack two or more sounds with the clock controlling crossfade you can get some really interesting results.
REMEMBER if you want to control the amount of clock pulse modulation for the extra destinations then patch in a continuious controller for amount of effect

09----------------------Midic--------------------C10 Amt ----------+ or-100
------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^ (set these by ear)

(Triplet time clocked to midi)

CHORD NO-------------SOURCE--------------- DEST---------------AMOUNT
05---------------------- MidiA-------------------CO9 Amt-----------+100
09---------------------- Lfo2+-------------------FiltFrq---------------+0
10-----------------------ModWl -----------------Lfo2Rt---------------+2

filter page -- Freq 57 Hz (fully closed)
Lfo2.Page -- 2.82 for a triplet at 120bpm (change rate by ear for different tempo) -- Keysync on -- Lfo shape Sine
Chord 10 controls the rate of the lfo when the mod wheel is in the up position
Tuning page -- Glide rate = 0412 sec oct -- Solo mode = Finger glide

Global Preset Page
A = 127
B,C+D = 0 (c =Filter res)

Hope this works for you :grin: )
Last edited by JAHFUNK on Thu Feb 10, 2011 3:35 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: How are these done ?

Postby JAHFUNK » Thu Feb 10, 2011 3:14 am

A3ON wrote:Hi Jahfunk,

Thanks for your reply, my main question was how you set the mod wheel to change the rate of the midi clock source? I cant load in your patches as i have no floppy disk drive in either my laptop or home pc :(

I can share some of knowledge for others on what i been doing lately:

I start off with a bass sound preferably with a lot of mid (emu filters love mid and distortion) into my desk. I mono both channels and either apply distortion to one chan or overdrive the channel with desk gain, i think its important to layer with orig bass as this retains some of the sound.

I then sample into the emu and copy the sample to a new sample slot, i then gain this sample so its clipped. In a pre-set i layer both and use zplains to shape the sound, at this point im not interested in filtering to bpm (ie wobble) its to get a sound. Then i internal resample and do the above process again up to 3 times. Some times i move the cutoff slowly to get an evolving sound, but not enough to effect any bpm of the track.

Once im happy with the sound, i then create a new patch and double up my final sample twice in a preset (or use original sample and emu filtered sample). On voice 1 i set up zplain filtering and leave voice 2 unaffected by the filter. The i set up amplitude xfade (as explained in tutorial section of this forum) and map a controller to change both filter cut off and xfade. This morphs from my clean voice sample to a filtered sample. Then you can do all the usual stuff on the filtered distorted voice like using filter envelope etc and control the amount of filtered voice to clean via ampxfade, or go crazy and morph using cc's.

From here you can go crazy by layering bass samples created in the same method or other sounds and morphing between the two.

I hope this makes sense ;)

Perfect sense
You are making a reese then crossfading it with the original and filtering ect with CCs
Good work
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