PLEASE HELP ! How to....a simple question

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PLEASE HELP ! How to....a simple question

Postby abrahamcity » Sun Mar 20, 2011 1:24 pm


I am Tomas from Germany.. I have a simple question about using the hardware sampler, e.g. EMU ESI 4000.

HOW CAN SAMPLES FROM THE BANK BE PLACED AUTOMATICALLY ON THE KEYBOARD? Or do you have to place each sample step by step on a keyboard zone ? Thats so much time-consumpting. I transferred 30 samples to the sampler memory and would like to have them spread over the keyboard keys- 1 sample=1 key...(and not just one sample spread over the whole keyboard area..)

WICH PARAMETER CAN PLAY THE SAMPLE IN FULL LENGTH, EVEN IF I HIT THE KEY ONLY SHORT? The sample playback stops as soon as I release the keyboard key. how can i get the ESI to play the whole sample, although I hit its key once only?

Thank you so much !

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Joined: Sun Mar 20, 2011 1:18 pm

Re: PLEASE HELP ! How to....a simple question

Postby Rascal Revenge » Sun Mar 20, 2011 4:37 pm

Left out the ESI-range personally, but when transferring to the memory you have to live with placing/adapting ranges via Sample Module or Preset Definition, automatic sample placement to one (white) key does only function when you're actually sampling with the ESI.

Play around with the VCA envelopes (Dynamic processing), set the release higher for example, you may also check Dynamic Processing 7. Keyboard Mode Gate/Trigger, dunno how well the latter functions on the ESI, original EIII has problems with this mode regarding timing.
Rascal Revenge
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Re: PLEASE HELP ! How to....a simple question

Postby override » Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:18 am

the first sampler i had was an esi 2000, which (although somewhat misleading based on the model number) is a beefed up esi 4k. when transferring samples via scsi you will have to manually assign each sample to its own note (unless you're using recycle 2.0 - it will do it for you in that software). this is a pain but not that bad if you have a midi keyboard to use. go to the sample management page and choose place sample. set the root, low and high notes. the easiest way to do that is by pressing the key on your midi controller to select the note.
there is also an auto placement option somewhere in the esi system. i can't remember where but download the manual from and check it out

good luck

edit: as said above, the autoplacement thing only works if you are sampling from the inputs.
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