Applying a cord template to several patches inside a bank

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Applying a cord template to several patches inside a bank

Postby aerodrink » Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:30 pm


I want to apply a cord template (i.e. cord settings I regularly need) to a set of sounds into a bank.
Is this possible to do this without to manually edit each cord setting for each sound ?


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Re: Applying a cord template to several patches inside a bank

Postby JAHFUNK » Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:20 pm

So if I read this right you want to add multisamples to a chord that will be used frequently as a template (The logic of the EOS is to add sound to chord not add chord to sound, so you need to aproach it from the opposite way than you are trying ;) ).
This Is easy when you think about it. The important features of the emu you need are COMBINE (page 320 Manual) and COPY(page 315 Manual)

Print the following and try it out.

Create a template
Load up your chord source bank
Hit preset edit button
Delete all but the first sample
Change this sample to an empty slot (pref a high number eg S100)
Hit sample manage.
F5 (Export) Use this to name and save the no sample chords template (This uses virtually no disk space).

Load and prepare
Hit Disk browse and load template
Hit disk browse and merge source bank
Select source bank
Hit preset edit button
Make sure all the samples you want to add to the template are combined into the same group by hitting F2 (Sample Zone) followed by F5 (Combine)

Adding the multisamples to the template
Highlight G1(Group 1)
Hit F1 (Utilities)
Hit F4 (Copy) and place source preset into destination preset (your template)

Assigning chords to imported multisamples
Go to the template and all the sounds are now here, but in order for them to use the cords you need to combine the group by hitting F2 (Sample Zone) followed by F5 (Combine)
Then delete the first empty sample.
Rename template then save bank

It actually looks harder than it is. Once a template is made a set of samples can be added and assigned to the chords in about 10 seconds. This is tons quicker than recreating the chord again and again.
Last edited by JAHFUNK on Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:04 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Applying a cord template to several patches inside a bank

Postby aerodrink » Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:56 am

Ouah ! Thanks for that detailed tip ...

By the way if I understand you well, you have to do this for every preset in the bank (I would have loved a solution where all presets had merged with the desired tempate).
If I got time, I'll perhaps check if I can write an application that would do this the Sysex way (storing cords templates on the computer and applying them on a bunch of presets inside a bank).
If not, I'll do it your way ;)

Thanks again,

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Re: Applying a cord template to several patches inside a bank

Postby JAHFUNK » Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:52 am

How many samples do you have in a Bank?
If they are all given the same group number and combined they are then all moved together in about four button pushes as a group.
Combine into the same group by hitting F2 (Sample zone) followed by F5 (combine)
This seems a quicker option than delving into the black art of sysex coding.
But it would be good if you are able to do this ;)
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Re: Applying a cord template to several patches inside a bank

Postby Ommatidium » Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:06 am

Hey Olivier, to add to Jahfunk's advice:

If you don't already use Preset FLASH memory for storing templates, I would recommend it (also handy for RFX Setups, too). By doing this, your Preset templates will always be ready to use. And also, because Preset FLASH is not included when you save a Bank to disk, your templates are always kept separate from your song-specific Presets, which keeps everything tidy. ;)
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Re: Applying a cord template to several patches inside a bank

Postby aerodrink » Mon May 30, 2011 6:25 pm

Hi folks,

Jahfunk : I tried your way. It works, but the fact is : the preset template can't be stored in Preset FLASH memory. When it comes to the copy page (adding multisamples to the template) I have to select into the P000 - P999 range. That would have be practical to have a template independant from the bank (meaning, which I can use with any bank).

Ommatidium : if I understand well, a preset flash (like any other preset type) references samples. By definition, I want my template to apply independantly from the samples loaded but rather on a preset (typically P000, or the last sprint preset P999).

It seems like there is no such easy way to do [exactly] what I'd want :-/

In simple words, when I sprint mode my collection of presets (that have basic patch cord settings - coming from Akai disks for instance), I'd love to simply set a predefined bunch of chords to it, like :
MIDI A -> Filter Freq
Pedal -> Filter Freq
MIDI B -> Filter Res
.. etc.

If I have time, I'll try the Sysex way and see what it gets.

Anyway, thanks for your replies :mrgreen:
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Re: Applying a cord template to several patches inside a bank

Postby MFPhouse » Tue May 31, 2011 11:24 am

It´s not possible in Sprint Mode.
The only chance is to "get" a new MS ( multisample - in the Voice ) without losing your default Presets Chords.
The Problem in this workflow is...this Samples already have to be loaded in Ram / Bank .
So need two steps.

I will check this again...perhaps there is an other workflow. ( Group-Change ? )
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