Beat munger is a destructive tool, every time you "munge" a beat down to 1 hit you are left with a sample of this length, so you will need to have first made a copy of the original beat for every hit. You could manually work through the beat using munge and extract every hit this way, but you really need a faster workflow than this (you might also notice some artifacts from munging... timing errors and blurr added to sound).
I would recommend 2 alternative approaches to cutting beats.
Method 1propellerhead Recycle
It will chop the beat into hits with a more sensitive and refined algorithm that keeps the groove and timing of the hits tight, it also allows you to alter the tempo and pitch independently then saves the hits along with a midi file of the groove, you just save the folder to zip or use smidi to transfer.
For a cheap way into recycle just Google "propellerhead recycle file"
Method 2Cord
There is a quick and easy cord on this forum that I found some time ago, that uses the sample start and X4 chords to map a 1 bar beat across the keyboard automatically, non destructive (clever), this cord would be a faster approach.
I've hunted for this thread, but do you think I can find it?
Anyone able to help out with a link?