Emu ultra 5000 filters

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Emu ultra 5000 filters

Postby alsine » Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:26 pm

Hi i recently purchased a ultra 5000 to upgrade my esi 4000.
Im am having some major problems working out how to put filters on samples, ive searched google but couldnt find anything that made any sense....
Unlike the esi 4000 manuel with actually shows you how to set up a filter step by step, the 5000 has nothing in the manuel about this, although it goes on for ages about filter types etc but not how to get them working!!!
Please help me!
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Joined: Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:16 pm

Re: Emu ultra 5000 filters

Postby tpotcardiff » Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:06 pm

ez mate,

the way it works is a hierarchy; sample>voice>preset>bank (i think) :???:

What i normally do although im still a bit noob,

get a sample in there.

1. Preset>manage>new (obv creates a new preset for your sample)
2. Sample>manage>place (this places the sample in the range you choose over the preset that was selected, i.e. your new one)
3. Preset>edit> (now it can be on 1 of 2 pages, if you have Global, links, voices, Editvoice - click edit voice)
4. then you should have 'tuning, amp/filt, lfo/aux, cords' - if you choose amp/filt - and press the 'next' button twice you get to the filters section.

i dunno if i covered any of this in my vids & things change a little with operating system versions.

http://www.youtube.com/user/justletmesi ... e=mhee#p/u

good luck, takes patience at first.
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Re: Emu ultra 5000 filters

Postby JAHFUNK » Sun Aug 28, 2011 2:31 pm

To drive the filter with the mod wheel try this..

Select preset
Hit preset edit
move the cursor to G1 (group 1) -- hit F6 (edit group) this takes you to the cord pages

Make the following cord
CHORD NO-------------SOURCE--------------- DEST---------------AMOUNT
01------------------------Modwl---------------FiFreq --------------- +100

Now hit F3 and navigate to the filter page
Select filter type and reduce frequency to the lowest setting

The mod wheel should now open and close the filter

You can use an lfo - envelope - continuous controller - velocity or whatever as the source, try it out!
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