CORD amounts for Pitch modulations translating musically?

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CORD amounts for Pitch modulations translating musically?

Postby dugawug » Sun Jan 11, 2004 7:03 pm

hey all,
i was wondering if anyone knew how CORD amounts effected pitch in terms of half step/wholesteps/octave translation. that kind of thing. so if i want to route a modulator to turn something up (or down) a full octave for example, what CORD amount will do this?
does anyone have this info?
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Postby Klaseed » Sun Jan 11, 2004 7:42 pm

In the manual, p.268, it says "references to musical intervals in the pattern LFO shapes are with the LFO routed to pitch and a Cord amount of +38"

I'm not sure exactly what this means :mrgreen: , but it may provide some help.

Sorry, it's too early for me to think straight :spliff:
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Postby sampleandhold » Sun Jan 11, 2004 8:25 pm

course tuning, +/- 1 equals 1 half step.

fine tuning (depending on how you have this set up, i believe you can change this in tuning) +/-64 equals 1 half step.

in the chords section:

shoot, i am going to have to run this again, i use to have the percentage and all recorded, but now i can't really remember. for some reason, i feel that the six percent on the pitch chord is actualy equal to a whole step, 3 percent would be a half step, that then would make an octave 36 percent. i am using chromatic scale here instead. i think this is correct actually.
so that would make the fine pitch chord valued at a half step at 50 and a whole step at 100 percent.

i believe that i am correct on this, but i am going to have to test this out again. you know the whole self doubt thing.

so basicaully if you wanted to pitch a source up, in a major scale, the values you would want to hit would be. 6 percent from the tonic to the supertonic, 6 percent from supertonic to mediant, 3 percent to go from mediant to sub dominate, 6 percent from subdominate to dominate, 6 percent to dominate to sub mediant, 6 percent from sub mediant to your leading tone, then 3 percent from your leading tone to your tonic again.

thus adding up to 36 percent.

i hope this helps, and i hope i remembered this correctly.
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