Esynth sample material..

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Esynth sample material..

Postby WatersEdge » Fri May 04, 2012 10:03 am

Hi, quite a basic one i expect.. but according to the manual, in the Preset Editor..when the curser is on the Sample Name the Edit key will select the Sample and go to Sample Edit menu.. when really in my case anyway it goes into Editing the Voice, the same as when the curser is on Voice Number or Group Number.
I assume then this means that the Esynth's resident Sample material isn't available for editing at all? at Voice level yes but not raw Sample editing i mean..

Anyways, thanks all
Posts: 8
Joined: Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:18 am

Re: Esynth sample material..

Postby mosrob » Fri May 04, 2012 12:35 pm

Try copying the samples to RAM and replace the ROM-sample-assignment with the respective RAM-sample-assignment.
If you are right concerning the non-editability of resident samples then you will be in the postion to edit the (RAM-) sample.
Please check and give us a feedback.
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Re: Esynth sample material..

Postby WatersEdge » Fri May 04, 2012 5:24 pm

Yes thanks for the suggestion and reply,
Will try it out over the weekend hopefully..
From what i've read the Esynth does have it seems a specific ready to go Sample set and Preset banks, it lending to the Synth' name concept i assume.. i'm not sure why in all honesty, as if all other Emu Samplers shipped with no Samples or Presets to work with out of the box, a tad confused on that really..

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Joined: Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:18 am

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