Peak/shelf morph filter.....

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Peak/shelf morph filter.....

Postby DS-1 » Sun Apr 27, 2003 2:58 am

Hey can anybody tell me in simple terms how this filter works. Seems to be the best as far as eqing goes but i dont understand what the values are doing.

Looks like this

Initial Offset>>>>> Low Morph frame >>>>> High Morph Frame
morph:0 >>>>> Freq:570hz >>>>> Freq:4000hz
Peak:+1 >>>>> Shelf:-64 >>>>> > Shelf:-64
>>>>>>>>>>>> peak:+1 >>>>> peak:+1

Now, I understand the frequency and the gain. I also understand the you are potentially boosting/cutting between the low and high morph frames, but its the shelfing and morphing i dont get
Anyone care to clear this up? :slayer:
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Postby sampleandhold » Sun Apr 27, 2003 4:57 am

well the morphining kind of acts like the q, sort of, i guess. and the shelf and stuff has to do with something... that i am really... madmax, you have any ideas?

i know how to use the filter, but like you have no idea what is really going on. kind of like a car, you just have a general idea of how it runs, but you can't fix it. well me anyway.

so yeah, anybody want to give us a deffy on all the aspects of this filter, and correct me, i think i am wrong about the morphing thing... or was it just my spelling...
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Postby Diamond » Mon Apr 28, 2003 9:31 am

ok to the best of my knowledge (prolly a little off)

The Peak/Shelf morph filter has 2 frames ( low and high)

each frame offers seperate, independent contol over frequency, shelving and peak.

when the Shelf paramater is negative, the filter will have a low shelving response ie. (Shelf EQ ) and the opposite for a positive parameter.
with the Shelf at 0, the filter assumes a Peak filter response.

so the Morph simply allows you to filter between Frame 1 and Frame 2

The example that DS-1 posted two posts would be:

A low shelving filter at 570hz
morphing into another low shelving filter at 4000hz
all peaks at +1db

I dunno if that was totally correct, but it was the best I could come up with....
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Postby DS-1 » Mon Apr 28, 2003 11:27 am

Big up diamond!
hey hit me up on the msn, ill sort you out with some TUNES!
dj_ds1 @
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