Syncing phazer to bpm

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Syncing phazer to bpm

Postby ratty » Tue Apr 20, 2004 9:57 pm

Once again, ez all.

I've been trying out some twisted reeces and basically what I want to do is to get a phaser to sweep from high to low over a 4 bar cycle, sorta like you hear on those optiv basslines. So the phaser would be at it's highest point at the start of the 1st bar of the cycle and reach it's lowest point at the end of the 4th bar, and so on.

I hope this makes some sense, I know i'm terrible at explaining these things.

I'm sure some of the clued up peeps on here must know how to do this.

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Postby sampleandhold » Wed Apr 21, 2004 4:37 am

why do you use a cc for this. the phaser, i think there are a few, are in the mod matrix. hit zoom on filter frequency.

that is what i would do anyway. i suppose you could use an lfo for this, but i think it just might be easier to get the pricision that you are after with a cc. the lfo's would have to be experimented with to get the start the way you want. you can do it either way.
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Postby ratty » Wed Apr 21, 2004 5:16 pm

Nice one mate, that works perfectly. Thing is with this is that I want to be able to modulate the filter on the bassline as well as having a phaser going at the same time, if you've heard tracks like camoflage by bulletproof and optiv you'll know what I'm getting at. Any ideas on how to do this?

Cheers for the help btw. :thumbs:
Last edited by ratty on Wed Apr 21, 2004 11:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby ezman » Wed Apr 21, 2004 11:08 pm

Use another cord with the same source but filter as your destination. :thumbs:
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Postby ratty » Wed Apr 21, 2004 11:15 pm

Can you have a z-plane filter and a phazer going at the same time on the same preset but with different modulations on each?
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Postby sampleandhold » Thu Apr 22, 2004 3:27 am

okay. i think i see. what you want to do is take your phazer, and use that along with for example a low pass filter. that is what you third post seem to indicate.

unfortunately, you are going to either

A: resample the bass line with the applied phaser. since the phaser is considered a filter. the sampler only supports one filter per voice. unless some one knows something that i don't.

B: make the bass a two voice by layering a copy of it's self on top of it, one voice being routed to a lowpass or whatever you want and the second voice routed to a phaser. slight issues with this are flanging as the emu's timing is varied abit when you play the two voices together. drums seem okay with this, at least it isn't noticeable then, but i have noticed when layering test tones on top of each other at the exact same pitch every few presses result in a slight detune sound. noticable? yes. maybe it is my sequencer

C: maybe you can use the efx of the emu, can't really remember if they have a phaser, but they do have flanges. control is an issue here, though. and after all a phaser is, from my understanding, a type of flange. you would have to work a bit to get the efx bank to sync with your song, but i believe it can be done. I haven't played too much with the effects, though.


D: use the phaser in the sampler, and get an out board filter, like a moog low pass filter and route your bass through one of the out puts from the sampler to the low pass filters. the filters are stand alone, that is, they are just a low pass filter. i also think they make high pass filters as well. big briar is where you would need to go.

that is all i have, any one else with some ideas?

hope this helps.
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Postby ratty » Thu Apr 22, 2004 11:04 am

Cheers mate, I think you pretty much summed it up there. The only other thing I can think of is to filter the bass in the emu and then run it through a phaser in my sequencer, I'll have to try it later. It does puzzle me though when I think that nearly all of tunes with these types of bass sounds were blatently done on emus.

But seriously, if anyone knows exactly how to get this sound I'd really like to know. Here's a link to a tune with the sort of bass I'm trying to achieve if anyone's interested. ... hFor=exact


Last edited by ratty on Fri Apr 23, 2004 9:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby sampleandhold » Fri Apr 23, 2004 4:21 am

you know, it is funny, that every time i hit a link on this site, all i get is another window that has the same page that i already have. so strange. it is like hearing two commericals at the same time on different radio stations.

oh well. would love to hear you choon, just for some reason i can't.
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Postby madmax » Fri Apr 23, 2004 4:35 pm

You could always try the detune by 1 trick. Copy the voice and detune one of them by one or two cents.

Or try messing with the flanger in the tuning section. Low Chorus Amt %. mess with the ITD.

I could be wrong though ... can't hear the clip ... just going by what I *think* you mean.
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Postby ratty » Fri Apr 23, 2004 5:00 pm

My bad, sorry about that clip guys, but here's another one. Hopefully it'll work this time :mrgreen:
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Postby bendjo » Sun Apr 25, 2004 6:19 am

The rfx has synced phasers. Very nice ones indeed.
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Postby sz0n1ck » Thu Apr 29, 2004 1:55 am

madmax wrote:You could always try the detune by 1 trick. Copy the voice and detune one of them by one or two cents.

Or try messing with the flanger in the tuning section. Low Chorus Amt %. mess with the ITD.

I could be wrong though ... can't hear the clip ... just going by what I *think* you mean.

he's of course right its detune [ftune] by 1 or 2. then the lowpass is used to make the flanging 'less apparent' with a low cutoff, then opens up and you hear the flange. :thumbs:
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Postby sampleandhold » Thu Apr 29, 2004 4:31 am

what an interesting idea. you could go so far as have an adsr control the lpf and the pitch, so you could have the second copy, assuming you are using a looped sound, actualy continue to detune a set amount. so it could go from unision to say plus 10 using the adsr, cuppled with the low pass filter opening up or closing. hell you could even go form detuned down to unision for the starter and reverse how the lpf opens. if you have eos 4.7 you could even automate q on one of the voices. that might make things even more funky.

i think i might just mess with this tonight.
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Postby sz0n1ck » Thu Apr 29, 2004 5:40 am


yeh man! have done that very same thing can get some psycho, elastic, near-clown-ish bouncer bizniz going with that. works best with big buzzy analog-type oscillations.. but also not to shabby with sine waves altho i find the detune ranges have to be quite a bit larger to get a noticable effect and avoid sine-phase issues.
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