Vel< -> AmpVol - what percent?

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Vel< -> AmpVol - what percent?

Postby Klaseed » Fri May 28, 2004 1:55 am

This is the cord for velocity sensitiivity, set by default to 24% in every voice. It seems to work pretty well for synths and bass and the like, but I'm finding it too subtle for drums. I end up using percentages more like 48% or 60% or something for my drums, or else I find note velocity values from ~20-127 are all pretty similar.

Has anyone else noticed this, or am I just not subtle enought to hear this correctly on drums? :cry: :mrgreen:
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Postby dugawug » Fri May 28, 2004 5:47 am

no, i agree...i use drums only and since i play them live, i look for the greatest velocity range i can get. i find the 24% value to be like you're saying, not a big enough velocity range. if i want a wider velocity range, i usually go between -30% to -40%, but anything more than that is almost too much of a gap for me. and it depends how your EMU's velocity curve is set in the MIDI menu. and for me, it depends on how i program my external controller's velocity curve and range. can get a little confusing indeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed.
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Postby sampleandhold » Sat May 29, 2004 4:17 am

yeah, the 24 is fine for tones, but for drums it is definately 30 to 50 or so, with a linear curve, as i have mine set. I typically sample breaks, so i am usually not playing around with velocities too much with the drums, but for the ghost strokes, you def. need more of a curve.

i also seem to notice, that sometimes as you increase the precentage, you get louder notes then what you would get at 24. or is it the other way... i can't remember. hurt my ears on that once too.
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Postby dugawug » Sat May 29, 2004 6:53 pm

yeah, once you go above 0 towards +100%, the lower velocity notes become louder and higher velocity notes become quiter. and it's the opposite of course with the negative values approaching -100%, the lower velocity notes are quiter and the higher velocity notes become much louder.

at least...this is how i remember it.
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Postby Klaseed » Sat May 29, 2004 8:13 pm

Dug -

That's the case if you're using Vel+. If you're using Vel< (the default), the opposite holds true, and higher percentages mean that lower velocity notes = lower volumes.

Does anyone know why 24% is there as the default? I can't find my manual :cry: but I know for some of the cords, different percentages actually correspond to real-world values (i.e. note intervals, etc). Is that the case for Vel<? Is 24% some real-world curve or something?
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Postby Samplecraze » Mon May 31, 2004 3:03 pm

Try using vel~ if you don't want a curve assigned to the velocity.
I tend to create velocity layers and assign the velocity swithes and crossfades from the preset edit velwin and rtwin and, then assign the cords to vel<, for different tonal velocities. You can even create the crossfades in the patchcords.
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