Chorus/Flanging an individual voice (Prev. posted on DOA)

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Chorus/Flanging an individual voice (Prev. posted on DOA)

Postby madmax » Mon Apr 14, 2003 9:55 pm

Demonstrates how to use the tuning capabilities of EMU

preset edit>select snare in V1>Highlight V1>hit edit voice>hit tuning>hit the prev/next keys untill you see the "chorus amount" and "chorus initial ITD" as parameters>put stereo width to 0%>turn chorus amount to about 6% (you might have to adjust this)>adjust the sample start>listen to teched out (flanged) snare>hit cords>Source = MODW; Dest = chorus initial ITD; amount = +100%. Now you have a modulating teched our percussive sound.
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Postby madmax » Tue Apr 15, 2003 4:22 pm


What up blud? How's it going?

I usually don't actually use the last part of this tip very often (modulating the ChorusITD). It only works in a very specific way on a very specific type of sound. I mainly put the last part up to help the noobs understand the cords page.

The first part of this technique I use all the time though (simply flanging a drum hit). You can hear it in all sorts of tracks (although I havn't actually confirmed it with anyone). You could ask Rob (F) or Josh (Gimpulse), I bet they've used it as I've heard drum hits from them that sound like at least one layer has gone through this process. I've heard it (or something similar) in Konflicts bits too.

Stereo width = 0 just makes it a flange instead of a gey chorus effect. However, it is not mono. I usually run my drums out mono (as in kick on sub1 -64 snare on sub one +64) but after I started using this I had to change because m'emu won't recognize the pan.

I'm finishing up a track this week and I'll post it for feedback. Many of the drum sounds on it have been processed like that.
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Postby madmax » Tue Apr 15, 2003 7:30 pm

harry :shock:

check your pm buddie

>>>>>oops you already wrote me :!: :idea: :roll: :shock:
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Jet plane noises

Postby ezman » Wed Apr 16, 2003 5:47 pm

Used this tip today to make a jet plane :mrgreen:

Yeah just got some white noise a-looping. Then set chorus to about 4%. Instant jet plane! The mod cord on chorusITD doesn't work for this but adding a filter envelope and a good bit of resonance and you can mess with the env to get some cool effects.

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Postby madmax » Wed Apr 16, 2003 8:16 pm

yeah - you can do a lot with the tuning section - from spicing up ambience to tekin out beats to making neptunes style strings
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Postby sampleandhold » Thu Apr 17, 2003 5:23 am

just in case you don't get my last post on whatever the subject was, i can't even remember.
this might help you out. you must try this. convert your stereo so that it only plays on left or right channel. heck you might already know this. but in master, in the utilities i beleive, you should scroll through and you should find something that says conver to mono: both. i beleive you can change this to left or right. so if you do that, you want have to pan, and your effect will work, and then you can do your sub one and sub two mix thing.
unless the emu gets stupid and converts everything to the last convertions type.
just a thought really.
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Postby madmax » Thu Apr 17, 2003 3:35 pm

Yeah Sampleandhold - always coming correct.

I'll try this when I get off work

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Postby sampleandhold » Fri Apr 18, 2003 6:09 am

sorry man, i goofed. that stereo thing that i was talking about is actually in the set up bit and is for akia convertions. does nothing what so ever. so you can either resample to the left channel or right channel, and if that doesn't work, you can just sample with one channel plugged in...
sorry i just didn't read it all the way.
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