cool ideas for (oneshot) drum modulation?

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cool ideas for (oneshot) drum modulation?

Postby dugawug » Tue Jun 15, 2004 7:18 pm

so i use my EMU for an electronic drum trigger sound source. so of course, i never use loops, just one shot drum samples.
i'm looking for some cool ideas for modulation that maybe i hadn't thought of.
since my samples have almost no decay or sustain, it seems i'm a little limited on tweaking them.
envelopes seem fairly useless for me, as do LFO's (unless i free run them i guess). sample start...pretty much useless on short drum samples. etc.
usually, i do the standard filter sweep assigned to an LFO...oh and i also have a midi foot controller that i can assign to modulations.
anyone have any cool ideas for me other than simple filter sweeps, pitch bends, etc.?
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Postby Nicholas Frechette » Tue Jun 15, 2004 8:24 pm

i'd go for this:


lfo 1 --->fenv att
lfo 2--->aux env att

both lfo free run and going at rates that are similar: 4.12 and 4.04

lfo 1 positive
lfo 2 negative

resample your loop and then resequence it
Nicholas Frechette
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Postby dugawug » Tue Jun 15, 2004 8:39 pm

thanks, i don't what this will sound like, but i'm psyched to try!

btw, like i mentioned, i'm not using loops though...the point is to find cool modulations that work with one shot drum samples. i'll try what you recommended. thanks
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Postby Samplecraze » Fri Jun 18, 2004 1:44 pm

Try this for some funky filter efx.

Pick the low pass filter, set the freq to 10000, Q to about 40.


Vel<Filfreq 50
Filenv+ filfreq-40
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Postby dugawug » Mon Jul 05, 2004 1:42 am

Nicholas Frechette,
thanks for that one, jeeez.
i took this preset of real funky super drum machine samples i got from and did this modulation you described and WOA...those drums sound wicked!
especially tweaking and playing with different filters!

cool, you've made me realize that there are more possiblities than i had thought of. like using the attack of the envelopes for modulation. didn't think of any way that could be useful, but you're example is one!
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Postby sampleandhold » Mon Jul 05, 2004 7:45 am

you could do this, i have started messing around. I think ezman posted this as a tutorial. load up 10 different snare sounds and have it set so that certian velocites trigger cetian sounds.... but this might be hard to do since you would have to practice how hard you hit and try to stay some what consistant. think if it as a sort of bank/program change in real time and you control it in way you want....

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Postby dugawug » Mon Jul 05, 2004 7:59 am

thanks for the idea...but yes, as you guessed, that doesn't work so well when playing the midi drums live. it's hard anyways to get a consistent sound, meaning getting that particular snare you want on a certain beat. but could be cool for a super random effect.

it's hard enough for me just multisampling two drums per midi note!
midi percussion modules are pretty good these days, but still could be better in my opinion.

also, i have to "unprogram" my velocity range when using multisampling like this, otherwise the lower velocity samples are also quieter, which is not always desirable.

anyhow, i remembering it's all about experimentation.
you know, i've never tripped w/ my EMU...


this is the emusonacid forum, isn't it?
maybe my EMU would be down to trip with me ? :loveit:
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Postby illinformed » Mon Jul 05, 2004 10:33 am

I think I post this suggestion eveytime but how about Realtime Crossfade. I only mention this becuase you said you have a midi foot controller but I suppose it depends on what type of foot controller you have. If it transmits continuosly from 0 to 127 (rather than one value for On and another for Off) then you could switch between voices much more easily than trying to do it by velocity.

I love being able to crossfade between voices - it means you can program lots of one offs for example when the crossfade gets to 127 your drums could switch instantly to a reversed drum sound, played through a new filter, 2 octaves down etc. Yes you could do all that using Switch and DC but the crossfade is so much easier.

In theory could let you have 128 switchable sounds per midi note (shame you can only have 256 voices per preset ;) ) The only problem is that they can take a while to set up, however once you have a few Presets stored in Flash it becomes alot easier.

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Postby dugawug » Mon Jul 05, 2004 8:05 pm

brutha ill,
thanks man, i've honestly never used the realtime crossfade function yet. hmmm, great idea...i'll check the manual and read up on it.
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Postby sampleandhold » Wed Jul 07, 2004 3:27 am

how about this... this might be for more recording... but it might be cool live...

set two to three different snares and kicks and cymbals to each voice. but pan all of them. so snare one... hard right, snare two centre, snare three hard left. you could make it sound like three different drummers going all at once.


with the foot pedal thing, you could set it up so all the drums sounds are together, your three snares and kicks and so on, all centre and hitting at the same time, but as you press the pedal down, they slowly split apart like i mentioned just a moment ago.

or, set up an lfo to pan all the different snares and such but have your pedal switch the lfo on and off.. so all the sudden you could hit the pedal and your drums are flying around the room going every where, then you hit the pedal again and they all centralize.

or... set up a snare sample with a loop, but have it loop like 150 cycles or something like that. have it set up as a latch so when you hit something like one of your toms or whatever you assign it could switch on so you have this buzz sound, then hit it again and it turns off and you can drum away. you would have to turn the velocity down a bit but because it might be a bit louder then the rest of you kit...

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Postby dugawug » Wed Jul 07, 2004 7:45 am

wow man, you got some ideas flowin there, huh?
nice...great ideas.
unfortunately, i send three mono outs from my EMU b/c i also play live drums and together i take up a frikkin 8 or more of our channels, but SO much want to send more to start utilizing stereo field.

more than SO much though i want a machinedrum...!!
wait, did i say that out loud? ah fukk...!

although i'm finding more and more how to make some nice stuff w/ me EMU! :thumbs:
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Postby madmax » Tue Jul 13, 2004 7:16 pm

double up the hits, detune

go to tuning and add flange to certain layers (usually the highest freqs work the best). higher values as your base values, have it get closer to 1% by dialing a wheel, pushing a pedal.

you already mentioned pitch bends.

erm ... I've got some others ... oh yeah, you can always use SnHs timestretching technique on single hits to get some more drawn out percussive sounds. add a low mix of very tight delay to increase the metalic sound.
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Postby Nicholas Frechette » Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:38 am


it creates a snap when they collide when pan mod
You have a different playback whem you send either a small gate(adjust release) or a long one (adjust decay)
Consult the sysex doc to be able to fool around with every parameter.
Nicholas Frechette
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Postby dugawug » Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:42 am

cool, this is turning out to be more of an interesting thread than i thought.
thanks to all for the inspiration, i have managed to do some cool shite w/ my EMU that i didn't think was quite so possible before with the ideas given here
big ups!
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E5000 Ultra Drum triggering

Postby The_Snitch » Thu Oct 26, 2006 11:59 pm

How does the e5000 go with triggering from a kit?

Are there trigger/gate types designed for drum hits?
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