midi controllers and cords

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midi controllers and cords

Postby gmale » Wed Jun 16, 2004 3:51 am

I decided to get adventurous and see if I can't make my max/msp program on my mac control operations on my e6400u, via cords.

My concerns are:
1. I'm just asking too much
2. I really don't know what I'm doing in the first place

In the cords section, I have midi A as source and destination on VEnvAtk.
But nothing happens.

My midi channel 1 is selected to communicate on midi A.

any ideas? am I way off track?
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Jun 16, 2004 3:27 am
Location: US

Postby sampleandhold » Wed Jun 16, 2004 4:20 am

try midi cc 21 on your sequencer on your mac. unless you have gone in and screwed around with your channel to midi cc's in your emu it should be 21. and it should work. try it out.

and no, you aren't asking too much.

and you may not know what you are doing, but you did a good job guessing and you are on the right track. if it doesn't modulate, reverse your precentage. do this chord for starters.

midi a>pitch>100%

that should let you know if it works....

have fun.

but do you know what is really fun....

bank/patch changes.

oh yes.
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