To Program the Lag Processors?

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To Program the Lag Processors?

Postby somsay » Sun Jul 25, 2004 3:13 pm

Hello all,

I have had my Emu Ultra 5000 for a few months now, and I still dont get how to program the lag processors!

the book doesnt explain things that well to me...

1. From the Dynamic Processing level of the Preset Editor, select the voices you wish to modify using the voice selection screen, then press the LFO/Aux function key(f4).

2. Use the Previous and Next Page buttons to locate the LFO 2 screen.

3. Use the cursor buttons to select the Lag Processors.

4. Adjust the Lag Time of processor 1 or 2.

5. Insert the Lag Processor between a modulation source an destination in the Cords screen.

6. Press the Exit button to return to the Preset Definition level of the Preset Editor or press any of the dynamic precessing function keys to move to another module.

can anyone give an example if for this?

I dont understand what it can do.

please help.

thank you
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Joined: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:17 pm
Location: Montreal, Canada

Postby sampleandhold » Mon Jul 26, 2004 12:40 am

I think how the manual is trying to tell you to set this up is like this:

01 lfo2+ to lag1 amount 100%
02 lag1 to filtrfreq amount 100%

I think that is the basic set up of that particular chord. what the lag processors do from my understanding is delay whatever you are appling it to. so if you wanted to have a sound that starts out normal then after a bit of time you can have the lfo come in. so you get a sound like mmmmmwhawhawhawha....

that is how i understand it. could be wrong though as i haven't played with the lag processors too much. I might have to do that at some point.

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