This tip shows how to use the destructive gain function.
This tip demonstrates how to use the Shelving Filter (note: modulating between a closed high-pass shelving filter and a closed low-pass shelving filter does not neccesarily sound good - this tip simply demonstrates how the z-plane filters work)
take any full freq synth sound>sample edit>tools 3>gain at about +24db>WATCH YOUR MONITORS!>the sound will be digitally clipped, which adds 2nd and 4th order harmonics>hit present manage>hit new preset>hit OK>hit present manage>place sound you just gained into V1>highlight V1>hit edit voice>hit amp/filter>hit prev/next keys until you see 4-pole lowpass filter at top of screen>change it to the last filter "Shelf/Morphing filter">set frame 1 to 83 Hertz; Shelf = -64>set frame 2 to 10000 hertz (try playing with the fequency values); Shelf = +63>set morph to 255>hit cords>Source = ModW; Dest = FilFreq; Amount = -100% (this actually adjusts the morph parameter in the Shelving filter)>now the modwheel should take you from a lowpass shelving filter to a highpass shelving filter>mess with the db amounts on the filter page until it sounds right>this is just an example>you may want to try the Source = LFO 1 on the chords page or adjusting the shelf parameter.