Using the Gain & Morphing(Z-Plane)Filters(Prev.postedonD

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Using the Gain & Morphing(Z-Plane)Filters(Prev.postedonD

Postby madmax » Mon Apr 14, 2003 10:04 pm

This tip shows how to use the destructive gain function.

This tip demonstrates how to use the Shelving Filter (note: modulating between a closed high-pass shelving filter and a closed low-pass shelving filter does not neccesarily sound good - this tip simply demonstrates how the z-plane filters work)

take any full freq synth sound>sample edit>tools 3>gain at about +24db>WATCH YOUR MONITORS!>the sound will be digitally clipped, which adds 2nd and 4th order harmonics>hit present manage>hit new preset>hit OK>hit present manage>place sound you just gained into V1>highlight V1>hit edit voice>hit amp/filter>hit prev/next keys until you see 4-pole lowpass filter at top of screen>change it to the last filter "Shelf/Morphing filter">set frame 1 to 83 Hertz; Shelf = -64>set frame 2 to 10000 hertz (try playing with the fequency values); Shelf = +63>set morph to 255>hit cords>Source = ModW; Dest = FilFreq; Amount = -100% (this actually adjusts the morph parameter in the Shelving filter)>now the modwheel should take you from a lowpass shelving filter to a highpass shelving filter>mess with the db amounts on the filter page until it sounds right>this is just an example>you may want to try the Source = LFO 1 on the chords page or adjusting the shelf parameter.
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Postby mikee_j » Fri Apr 25, 2003 3:23 pm

been getting good results with this tip!!! nice one :thumbs:
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Postby madmax » Fri Apr 25, 2003 4:38 pm

glad it works for you, man. Yo, I should have converted a couple of tracks to MP3 over this weekend by Monday so I'll send em to you if you could still find a place to host em that'd be gangsta!
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Postby mikee_j » Fri Apr 25, 2003 9:26 pm

just give me a shout when u need them to be hosted! :thumbs:
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Postby madmax » Fri Apr 25, 2003 10:34 pm


Yeah, I've got one dark dancefloor junt that's mixed and mastered and just needs to be converted to MP3 and one techy, jazzed out one for the heads that I need to mix. Hopefully I can get it done this weekend so yous can give some feedback ...
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Postby JD » Thu May 15, 2003 7:25 pm

OK -

got this to work but one thing I dont understand:

Why boost gain to +24db? as yes - it clips he hell out of it!


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Postby DS-1 » Thu May 15, 2003 10:54 pm

id imagine its so you can dramatically hear what its doing
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Postby JD » Thu May 15, 2003 11:15 pm

ah I see :rolleyes:
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Postby madmax » Fri May 16, 2003 2:33 pm

The gain on the EMU (yes it digitally clips the signal) is used by BC to make basslines (digitally clipping). I heard this from a reliable source. I said, "Doesn't this just clip the signal?" But then I tried it.

Try putting a a bassline through the gain (sometimes the best results come at +4db instead of +24) and taking the original ungained and 6-pole lowpassing to right below the freq of your kick. Then take the gained copy and highpass jsut above your kick > resample through an analouge (or mock) tube to take the "edge" of the clip > put back in Emu and put on a highpass or z-plane > modulate ... you can get some really grindin sounds using this technique
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