WANTED: Waveforms for my ultra

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WANTED: Waveforms for my ultra

Postby Johnny Digital » Thu Oct 07, 2004 2:19 pm


I'm looking for simple and not so simple waveforms to create sounds in my emu like sine, triangle, saw, square (with diferent pwm just to spoil me), pink/red/blue/white noise and variations of those.

I know i could do this with soundforge but i haven't got it and my net connection is very limited (only have access at work and is limited by websense crap).

This idea came from the fact that i'm not using my emu too much and with basic waveforms i could pretend it is some kind of a powerfull VA machine and use it for other stuff than sample playback/manipulation.

Can anyone help me?


Johnny Digital
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Postby illinformed » Thu Oct 07, 2004 2:30 pm

I bought these about 6 months ago Analoguesque

Some of the presets are quite handy however I mainly got it because there are quite a few waveforms in it. I went and bought all three of them as I had a bit of spare cash floating about and the exchange rate was pretty good at the time.

It took about a week to get them although I'm pretty sure that was because it's quite and old site and I dont think Mr Analoguesque expects many sales any more.

Anyway, it's handy to have a load of simple wave forms in emu format so if you've got the cash I'd go for it.
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Postby Johnny Digital » Thu Oct 07, 2004 5:38 pm


Thanks for the tip... i've already been at this site at some point but i couldn't remember about it.

I've downloaded the demo sounds and now all i've got to do is find a 1.44 disk to get them home :)

the sound bites at the site sound are a bit disaponting, but i'll try to use the waveforms in the free preset sounds for my own creations...

if i get anything done i'll try to post my work here...

thanks again... :slayer: you rock ;)
Johnny Digital
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Postby drayon » Thu Oct 07, 2004 7:50 pm

Hey there. I sampled a heap of waveforms from my Virus an some Saws out of my SCI Pro One. When i get the chance ill extract them from some banks an werd u up.
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Postby Johnny Digital » Fri Oct 08, 2004 11:42 am

man, if you could send them to me by email it would be great

yesterday i spent some time sampling some waveforms from my novation into the emu too, however i still can't do it right... i'll try more of this later..
Johnny Digital
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Postby Johnny Digital » Fri Oct 08, 2004 3:31 pm

I've found an aplication is might be usefull for everyone to generate their tones...


be carefull when using it... it default volume is 0db... and the 1000hz sine might blow your timpanos ;)
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Postby Nicholas Frechette » Fri Oct 08, 2004 5:19 pm

I've found an aplication is might be usefull for everyone to generate their tones...

I use SoundHack (mac9). It's function window can be exported as a 400 smp soundfile.
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Postby Johnny Digital » Fri Oct 08, 2004 6:05 pm

never heard of it... i use ibm pcs exclusively ;)
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Postby illinformed » Fri Oct 08, 2004 7:14 pm

I've been trying to find a batch wave generator for a long time. All the ones that I've tried in the past allow you to tweak a wave then save as a wav file. It'd be great if this could be automated e.g. saves C1 then saves C#1 etc, all at the correct sample rate so they loop correctly. Even better if you could save morphs between 2 waves.

Does anyone know of anything?
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Postby drayon » Fri Oct 08, 2004 11:08 pm

illinformed wrote:I've been trying to find a batch wave generator for a long time. All the ones that I've tried in the past allow you to tweak a wave then save as a wav file. It'd be great if this could be automated e.g. saves C1 then saves C#1 etc, all at the correct sample rate so they loop correctly. Even better if you could save morphs between 2 waves.

Does anyone know of anything?

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Postby johan » Sat Oct 09, 2004 1:21 pm

Another tone and multi-tone generator for PC users

Have fun !
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Postby illinformed » Sat Oct 09, 2004 10:58 pm

Thanks everyone. There's an awfuly lot of tone generators out there. I tried the 2 suggested ones out however I couldn't find a funtion to allow me to do a batch save. Was I doing something wrong?

I'm a lazy git really as I'm after something like this - choose a wave or combination of waves - set a high and low frequency value - set amount of steps - press a button and it saves the file at certain steps as wav or aiff. Or basically something like that. I can't really see it being that hard for the programmers to add something like that however I get the impression it's a feature that not alot of people need. I'm tempted to post up here http://www.rentacoder.com/ and see if anyone will do it for ?5 ;)

Anyway, if anyone can point me in the direction of something like that floating about then I'll be a happy man.
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Postby johan » Mon Oct 11, 2004 4:00 pm

It would be great if we had some sort of additive synthesis chart with pitch and lenght values and the amount of waves you have to combine to create f.e a kick or snare or other presets (maybe in the manuals of additive synthesisers like the K5000?)
Any idea's ?
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Postby Johnny Digital » Mon Oct 11, 2004 4:20 pm

there are place where examples are given (for subtractive/FM)...

http://www.cim.mcgill.ca/~clark/nordmod ... ssion.html

some synth manuals have descriptions but i think percussions are a bit hard to emulate since most synths use samples for them...
Johnny Digital
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Postby sampleandhold » Tue Oct 12, 2004 6:49 am

additive synthesis is a bit limited on the emu. I tried making a square wave out of 9 sines. You run into issues right off the bat. For example when you make a square wave out of sines you need to do each wave a third of the pitch up, and a third of the amplitude of the fundemental. At some point, like after the third voice, you get to a point where the fine tune just isn't fine enough. Not to mention that the amplitude is pretty much wiped out after the 4 or fifth voice. I did make a pretty nice sounding bell out of it though.

I just think it would be very difficult to do what you guys are wanting with out cheating by sampling the pitches you need of the sines to make you sounds. But doing it from the sampler internally I don't think is all that possible.

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