midi CC ??

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midi CC ??

Postby celest. » Mon Nov 08, 2004 12:19 am

I read these posts with cords and miid a, b,c etc.
i must be a dumb ass, I'm trying to control the filter of the emu5k,
with one of the knobs on the oxygen 8, but I'm having no luck.
can anyone help me out!!! ive been trying all day, i must be missing the concept in the cords section.

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Joined: Mon Oct 25, 2004 5:54 am
Location: New Jersey

Postby celest. » Mon Nov 08, 2004 1:14 am

ok i figured this out, that was simple,
however i was trying to control the emu's filter plus the virus's filter at the same time with the same knob on th oxygen 8, virus's filter # is 40,41 emu's # goes to 31, so this kinda bytes!
if anyone knows a way around this please let me know!!
thanks in advance
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Location: New Jersey

Postby illinformed » Mon Nov 08, 2004 10:34 am

I'm not sure how different the e5K is but I can change the midi CC# on my e6400 in the 'MIDI Controllers 2' page. I get to that screen by pressing Master - Midi - Cntrls 2.

Personally I would leave the Controllers different as at some point you may want to split them up. It can also become confusing if you're swapping banks and sequencs with another emu user. As you want both synths to cutoff at the same time, there may be no way to get this effect without matching midi CC's. Can you program your oxygen 8 to send both CC's on the same knob (my Kenton will allow me to send 10 CC's per fader/knob)? The other option is that your sequencer might be able to copy recorded controller info from CC40 to CC31.

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