Massive Subs

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Massive Subs

Postby somsay » Sun Dec 19, 2004 2:44 am

Does anyone know how to make massive subs with the emu?

I sampled my ensonique sq80 sine wave,
i not too shure if im gonna need a compressor or limitor of some sort to boost the volume and make it sound distorted...

any ideas?
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Location: Montreal, Canada

Postby madmax » Mon Dec 20, 2004 9:58 pm

all you need is the 6-pole lowpass filter and you can make a sub out of just about any properly pitched sound.

Personally, I like making subs other waveforms besides sines cos if you want to "warm it up" a bit, mild distortion is not necessary, you just open the filter a bit to allow higher order harmonics.
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Postby illinformed » Mon Dec 20, 2004 11:31 pm

There's a nice bank called "Below Sub Bass" that's on a disk called "E4 Ultra Production Set Backup Data". It's a mustard and silver coloured disk that I got free with my Ultra. If any of my basses are lacking a bit of subness I just copy a few voices into desired preset and hey presto - extra oomph.
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thank you!

Postby somsay » Tue Dec 21, 2004 3:53 am

you 2 are great!

thank you very much!

2 great things to tryout!

this forum is great!

its soo underground!
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Location: Montreal, Canada

Postby volltreffer » Sun Jan 09, 2005 11:37 pm

You might try to create your own waveforms with scilab... See the waveform thread. You can create any form you like, and then use the filters...

If you extend the scilab script by using sdomething like

// rounded square
ssi_10 = sin(sin(sin_10*%pi/2)*%pi/2);
ssi_20 = sin(sin(sin_20*%pi/2)*%pi/2);
ssi_50 = sin(sin(sin_50*%pi/2)*%pi/2);
ssi_100 = sin(sin(sin_100*%pi/2)*%pi/2);
ssi_200 = sin(sin(sin_200*%pi/2)*%pi/2);
ssi_500 = sin(sin(sin_500*%pi/2)*%pi/2);
ssi_1000 = sin(sin(sin_1000*%pi/2)*%pi/2);
ssi_2000 = sin(sin(sin_2000*%pi/2)*%pi/2);
ssi_5000 = sin(sin(sin_5000*%pi/2)*%pi/2);
ssi_10000 = sin(sin(sin_10000*%pi/2)*%pi/2);


you're gonna get some 'distorted sine waves'. Might try them out..

@illinformed: tried the waves???

:cry: imply depressed :cry:
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Postby version150 » Thu Jan 20, 2005 3:07 pm

Hi everyone, new here.

One favourite sub trick (apologies if old) is just to duplicate the midi channel. Always worth trying generally... can be great on vocals too.

Layering two types of bass is the other old chestnut.
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Postby wrecker13 » Sat Feb 12, 2005 8:29 pm

A goody but oldy for subs is to take a sample of the 808 bass drum and boost the gain way, way up. Like 50 decibels. It will distort the hell out of it. Then load it up into a preset and put some filter modulation on it.
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