Drum samples

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Drum samples

Postby pauldirks » Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:09 pm

Hi everyone,

I just got my hands on a pretty loaded e6400 on the cheap and I'm pretty excited (it replaced a stolen Esi-32). Currently I have a stash of drum samples on my PC that I use with Linplugs RMF for building drum tracks. Those of you who build from samples- are you doing this in software or with your E-MU sampler? And if so, how are you managing/laying out all your samples?


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'on and on'

Postby FilthyMcNasty » Thu Feb 17, 2005 2:04 am

Hi, Does the e6400 have preset flash?
I use the onboard preset flash memory (in an ultra) to save a lot of time with this kind of job. You can create 'template' presets like; a preset with one voice with all MIDI A-H controllers assigned in the cords section, so you can copy the preset and assign a sample, & all of your 'knobs' work. Or, you can have multisample presets with many voices for breaks etc. With multiple voices you can assign the voices to groups (kicks G1, snares G2 etc.). Then you can pan group 1 hard left, & pan group 2 hard right & you'll have separate (mono) channels on the desk, or edit group 1 & use an EQ filter to boost the bass on the kick drums etc.

If You're going to 'import' a lot of breaks I would suggest creating a 12 voice or so preset, with each voice assigned to a different key, then use the RAM > FLASH function to copy ALL the preset data in the memory to preset flash ram. Then every time you fire it up you'll have all these 'template' presets to assign samples to.

You could even have a bank on a disk with 'template' presets (0 memory)as well as 'standard' presets with samples assigned (roland 808, 909, etc.). ........the mind boggles

Also, I do use the E-mu to cut breaks; It's time consuming, but very accurate. I like magnifying the amplitude x8 to estimate the decay time of a sample for example.

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Postby pauldirks » Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:07 pm

Actually I'm not sure if it has preset flash- i know it doesn't have flash ROM but thats different right? (Still reading the manual)

Those are some great ideas- anybody else managing their drum samples in EMU?

I'm currently thinking of throwing all my kick samples into one preset and snares into another etc. That way I can put all drums into one bank and auto-load them for use in my sequencer. But I'd also love to see your template(s). Any way you could post the template(s) here? It's nice to work from something when starting...

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mmm...... preset flash

Postby FilthyMcNasty » Thu Feb 24, 2005 2:12 am

If you've got an ultra then you've definately got preset flash.

You're right, flash RAM basically lets you turn off the beast, turn it back on & start where you left off, like some good FX processors, it replaces your normal RAM & is (far too) expensive.

Preset flash comes as standard with the ultra (not sure about classics).


!!!make sure 'bank' is empty (you'll over-write any presets in memory)!!!

go master>bank>flash & copy 'flash to RAM'.
This will mean fuck all first time you do it but it's good to get into the routine.
Then you can create your 'template presets' depending on your modulation routing; controller 16 > MIDI A etc. & the modulation matrix; MIDI A > FiltFreq 100% etc. (i use controllers 16-32). You can also 'load up' any favourite presets you have, that you think might work well independent of the samples that are assigned.

Then, when you're done, you can do master>bank>flash & copy 'RAM to Flash' (think hard before you do this, as it cannot be undone!)

Alacazam! You've got loads of cool presets every time you load up, starting at preset 1000. (you've got to copy them to 'normal' preset memory for use)

Par example, i have a 1 voice preset with all modulation routings & controllers assigned (ready to drop in a sample & fuck it up), this is a good starting point.
A multisample preset (many voices, with each voice assigned to a different key) for breaks. It's good to have presets with MIDI A > FiltFreq 0% etc. also so you can 'start afresh'. The possibilities are endless.

As with all things E-mu it's time consuming but rewarding.

Have fun my friend.

I'd love to post up my templates but i dont use a PC (translators) & they are also dependent on modulation routings etc. I'll try & think of some way around it though.
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