Everything we love about Samplers from E-MU, AKAI, Ensoniq, Kurzweil, Korg, Roland, Yamaha, and all the rest.
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Forum | Topics | Posts | Last post |
1 General TopicsLike e.g. show off your rig.
9 | 43 | Madlabz monthly challenges (1G… 2023-03-03 14:51:36 by nkrypth |
2 MusicPost links to your music done with Samplers
6 | 14 | Retrospective (Updated) 2023-07-31 15:56:26 by mulberry |
3 MarketplaceBe very careful, everything at your own risk.
16 | 25 | WTS emu e5000 ultra - like new 2022-03-16 08:59:54 by Alvise |
Forum | Topics | Posts | Last post |
1 The BasicsHow to build instruments using keygroups, crossfades, loops, etc.
3 | 18 | Re SCSI: can you turn off the … 2016-12-10 10:40:07 by markbroady |
2 Sound and Instrument DesignEverything envelopes, filters, modulation, effects, patching etc.
0 | 0 | Never |
3 WorkflowAll about editors, librarians, backups, and other utilities.
6 | 15 | Snow Leopard Audio Editor? 2023-08-10 12:03:39 by mulberry |
Forum | Topics | Posts | Last post |
1 AkaiS-Series, MPC-Series, CD-Series, Z-Series, Remix 16
8 | 33 | Z Series Library 2023-07-30 17:06:42 by mulberry |
2 CasioSK-1, FZ-10M (Hohner HS1/E), FZ-20M
0 | 0 | Never |
107 | 522 | E-MU Libraries to put onto SCS… 2023-10-09 01:42:12 by blancodisco |
4 EnsoniqASR, EPS, Mirage
4 | 12 | Need help for client shielding… 2023-02-26 05:42:45 by frankyfranky |
5 KorgDSS-1, DSM-1, Triton
0 | 0 | Never |
6 KurzweilK2x00 Series
0 | 0 | Never |
7 RolandS-Series, MKS100, VP9000, Fantom, V-Synth
1 | 1 | Roland Cloud S-10 VST & S-50 V… 2020-05-09 04:54:36 by RolandCloud |
8 YamahaA-Series, EX5R, TX16W
0 | 0 | Never |
9 |
1 | 3 | Zoom Sampletrak 2023-01-19 18:49:39 by mulberry |
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