Everything we love about Samplers from E-MU, AKAI, Ensoniq, Kurzweil, Korg, Roland, Yamaha, and all the rest.
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Over at Madlabz discord, we run monthly challenges for music producers. This month's objective is to make a tune using only sounds from included sample pack and 303 of your choice. I thought I will share it here in case someone would be interested!
Madlabz is focused on hardware samplers, synths, audio gear, and retro computers but everyone is welcome!
Madlabz discord invite: http://madlabz.me or click on the button in the main menu
Madlabz Sample Pack (1GB):
Mirror #1: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ … sp=sharing
Mirror #2: https://we.tl/t-0pqhdHIysG
Kudos to all producers who contributed to the sample pack!
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