by sampleandhold » Fri Sep 02, 2005 3:46 am
The one thing I will comment on is the ASCII option. This is paramount. You need this. It lets you work much faster once you memorize all the hot keys and such. Also.. your emu will probably suffer from the double hits on the keys on the face of it. All of ours do it. Some worse then others. Getting the ASCII option allows you to put a 101 key keyboard, like the one I am typing on now. You don't have to deal with the button thing and you can actually go faster then the emu can keep up. Also, naming samples and presets and banks are much quicker too.
Only problem is that sometimes my E5000 Ultra dumps the keyboard. So I either have to restart the emu or just use the front panel keys. No biggy though. A small irratation, but with a much better return.