Emu processing question

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Emu processing question

Postby crytek » Tue Aug 21, 2007 4:36 pm

Hello all.

Well here is the deal.

I'm trying to take a bass sound and split it up into three different parts and eq each part. Now what I've done so far was copy the preset three times into different channels and tried to process them seperatly. This works, but I'm trying to save even more memory, so would it make more sense to copy the voices? But can I process these voices differently? I'll definetly read the manual since I really don't have a clue on how to do this.

Oh, my other question concerns multiple processing on a single sound.

Say I want to apply both a hi pass and a low pass filter to a sound. Now I could band pass, but I find that you get a fuller sound just by hi passing and low passing the sound manually, anyhoo, anyone know any good methods of processing the same sound twice (i.e. adding a hi pass and then a low pass filter, or phasing a sound, then adding a filter to it?

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Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2006 11:17 am
Location: YOKOSUKA-Japan

Postby sampleandhold » Wed Aug 22, 2007 10:07 am

Copying the voice will not do much for you unless you use each voice to apply a different filter. However, your probably going to run into phase issues. The best way to do this is to use the FIR. LP one with a point at 99, do a band pass with the second at 99 and HP the other at 99. I must stress, you need to copy the sample, not the voice. Copying the voice does allow you to play the sample a varity of ways, but off line processing will do nothing for you here.

The best thing to do to save memory is to run your stuff in Mono. It also saves polyphony. But see, here is a dirty little trick that I use. You can sample in stereo, but with only one channel active then you convert to mono, so the sample is in stereo... see?

As for the other bit, you could set two voices up, one to hp and the other to lp, but I found phasing issues and sometimes, the sound just doesn't change all that much.

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Postby crytek » Thu Aug 23, 2007 11:36 am

thanks snh.

Got really bored with the software I had, and this was starting to collect some dust. Thought I owed it to myself to atleast learn it. And BOY processing drums, bass, synths, etc... is a fucking PAIN!!!! So complicated. Yeah, I'm ranting now, but I know I need to stick with it. It honestly feels like i'm starting over again. Oh well. Gotta make the donuts. 8-)
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