Hi I am new to Emus on Acid; looking up information about Emu's generally leads me here so I am hoping someone may be able to help me out with my Emu ESi 32..
Has anyone managed to find a way of using a USB hard drive with an ESi using an adaptor?
I have seen some people fiitng internal scsi drives but I have read there seems to be issues with over working the PSU.
only possible option is a SCSI CF reader and then using that to read the files on a PC.
However, since the disk format on the ESI is all EOS 3.0, it can't be read natively. You need an app like translator, or ESI-Win (which never made it to 1.0) and which isn't going to work on XP or 7 too well...let alone OSX.
Better option is pick up a second hand Ultra and go from there. ESI32/4k etc are worth about $50 anyway - they are nice sounding - I still have my old 32 from 1995 but getting them to do anything with the disk format on a PC or Mac is a right old pain in the @rse.