efflux wrote:Midisport 4x4 should work out the box, by the way.
The directory /etc/.java/.systemPrefs/com.pcmsolutions.system.prefs.tmp gets created if I start Zoeos from root, obviously since it then has permission to that folder. Still the xfunctions error and Zoeos is running like a slug. Possibly due to all the ports on the AMT8.
I'll most likely use the Mac anyway for Zoeos but sometimes I might be on Linux and wish to use it without turning the Mac on. The Mac, by the way, is connected via an Audiofire sound interface (it's MIDI part) but I have also used the AMT8. Ultimately I really wish to hook the Audiofire into the AMT8 because the Mac is generally used for BFD2 drum sampler. I just want that hooked in as though it's actually a piece of hardware. So the AMT8 will actually be be attached to Linux via USB.
Also, all the AMT8's ports can be set to be routed any which way when not plugged in via USB. This is a very useful feature. You have to do this via USB first then disconnect it. You have to set this part up from a from a Mac though because that's the only OS that has working software to achieve this. The AMT8 is a great MIDI inteface for Linux. Works perfect.
Great that you got it working! the prefs are settings written to disk. its probably using the default location for java. the xfunctinos can be ignored.. it fails on my mac aswell, and is only used for smdi which are not working (it needs platform dependent implementation). why it runs slow is kind of hard to say.. but it probably is something todo with sysex and midi pluss drivers. are you running it as 64 bit or 32 bit? if you can do both, try forcing it. it might improve the preformance?!
Also, check out the new version.. i suddenly got evalutaion expired on my screen.. so i figured i should remove the lisence.. please give feedback if you find any other problems which i might can look into :)