...I wonder if this would work. Suppose I go and purchase a scsi to usb adaptor. The usb part would be female. Suppose I go and get a flash drive, you know, those little pen shaped devices that hold information, then suppose I hook it up to my emu, I wonder if it would reconize it.
If it did, storage problems wouldn't be an issue at all. I could load my banks and samples and such and then download them to the flash drive then stick that into the usb port, then use ChickenSys Translator to burn myself some back up and read only cds for my cd drive that I have daisey chained with my zip. I might just have to try this out. The highest I would go would be a 256 meg flash, and considering how cheap they are right now, it might be well worth it. Especially if it saves me having to put a scsi card into computer, then load the drivers for the zip, which are really really old, and the drivers for the scsi card and so on.
I just wonder if this works. Has anyone though about trying this? If you have, tell me how it went. If no one has, then when I give it ago I will let you guys know.