I have a 6400 ultra. I use have an OLD one gig scsi brick of a harddrive inside my computer which I use to save stuff from the emu to. This drive is old and very testy. Sometimes when I save it will lock up and I will lose everything. Bummer. I wanted to install a drive into the sampler. I look inside the sampler itself and I see a scsi cable port on the board but I also see just a little small 4 pinned connection labeled "hd power" on the board aswell. As far as I know most drive power usually comes from a power supply inside a machine. The cables are quite large gauged. I have asked around about the cable needed to connect the drive to the board but everyone thinks I am nuts. Is this a cable that does exist, and being here in a country so backward in technology (USA :lol: ) that I cannot find it? or is it too old to find.. HELP .. I'M SINKING...
One of you must know..