Weird back-up problem

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Weird back-up problem

Postby vermis_rex » Sun Sep 24, 2006 4:24 pm

I'm trying to back up an E-mu CD to the hard drive in my E6400 classic, but I keep running into weird errors.

OK, I know the sampler can read the CD, because I can load individual banks from the disc with no problems. But every time I go to back it up, it fails after the second or third bank. The weird part is that it reports different errors each time: "No disk in drive", "SCSI device not responding", "Device full"... none of which are true the rest of the time.

So, any ideas? Is this a problem with the CD-R, that I have to reburn it? Is this a case of a crappy CD-ROM drive? It's really starting to tick me off, especially the prospect of having to copy over all of those banks one by one (loading them into memory, then saving them to the hard drive).
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