EMU 0404 Newbie problems - need to sort out quickly

Any problems with your Ultra sampler should be reported here, hopefully someone might know what's wrong.

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EMU 0404 Newbie problems - need to sort out quickly

Postby NM » Tue Mar 31, 2009 3:18 pm


Well as a new person to EMU, I've been impressed by the 0404 soundcard functions that have been marketed through good press reports and blogs. Yet, I've been having some problems that I have tried sorting out myself, and then through the EMU online help... but it's really taking far too long.. EMU got back to me 2 weeks after my first question!!... I can't wait again that long.

If anybody out there can help, then GREAT.. as I'm really running short on time now. My first problem was as follows:
I was trying to use the playback function in Sonar LE through the EMU soundcard, but did not receive any ASIO sound/signal. The recording into the sound card appeared fine, only the ASIO playback was a problem.

When I finally got a reply from EMU, they gave me a list of steps to take, one of them being, to insert an ASIO and WAVE SEND into the AUX 1 bus. I got as far as choosing Insert Send (Output to ASIO/WAVE or Physical Out) with the intention to choose HOST WAVE L/R and click OK. However, this is my new problem, the HOST WAVE is greyed out, as is HOST ASIO 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8.
I've tried opening a new session, but they all remain greyed out.. so I cannot go further with the steps given to me by EMU to solve my first problem... and to make matters worse, since trying to follow these steps, whereas before I could hear WAVE sound through Wave1/2, now for some reason this has also dropped silent on me(even though I can see movement on the peak meter)!!! When I access sound settings through 'Start'/'Control Panel' on XP, the speaker settings are also greyed out... :grumble: does anybody have any advice... PLLEEAAASSEEE!!

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Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:56 pm
Location: Netherlands

Postby palpullero » Thu Apr 02, 2009 3:38 am

Try posting your question on the "Everything Else" thread; this one is mostly for the E-series samplers. Good luck.
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