EMU E4XT Ultra not booting up

Any problems with your Ultra sampler should be reported here, hopefully someone might know what's wrong.

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EMU E4XT Ultra not booting up

Postby mario » Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:27 pm

Hi all,

My EMU E4XT Ultra is not booting up. When I switch it on it just lights up all the leds but not the LCD. The LCD kick's in sometimes tho, for a fraction of a second when I switch the unit on, but even then it displays no information. None of the buttons seem to work. I opened up "the hood" to check if all the cables are attached properly or if something is visibly burned out or broken but couldn't notice anything dramatic in there. I have another HD which I could try eventually but the connector is different so I have to do some shopping first.

Have any of you experienced something like this?

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Re: EMU E4XT Ultra not booting up

Postby qwertz123 » Sun Oct 04, 2009 11:27 am

Hi Mario !
I have had simular problems with an used EMU 5000 Ultra
- In the end my unit had an defective mainboard, and EMU repair people in Germany could only offer an new mainboard for about 450 EUR.
- This was way too much for me.
I am otherwise experienced in PC + electronics and have repaired several components and parts like DVD-burner before, but this EMU was nothing I could fix.

- Just read this article here
Sorry that I cannot offer better news, Volker
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Re: EMU E4XT Ultra not booting up

Postby iSiS » Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:46 pm

Hey qwertz123,

do you know if they still sell boards in Germany.

Thanks in advance
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Re: EMU E4XT Ultra not booting up

Postby mario » Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:50 am

I got all the same symptoms as described in that article (i.e. lights are on but nobody's home) I thought Im gonna open up the power supply casing to see what's happening in there. about half way through after I had already removed the casing I decided to abort mission because there was a lot of wires in there and getting it back is not fun and i don't have multimeter here anyway. then I screwed the power supply casing back on and plugged it in and now it seems to be working again. gonna leave it on for now and see if it's still going in the morning. I think there is something wrong in that power supply unit.
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Re: EMU E4XT Ultra not booting up

Postby woodsworth1 » Mon Sep 27, 2010 6:20 am

I have an E5000 Ultra.

At one time I looked at the the CPU FLASH memory SIMM. After I replaced the SIMM the sampler exhibited the same problem that you describe. I actually thought that I had busted the sampler until after a number of frantic attempts to reseat the FLASH SIMM correctly and clean it it finally booted normally.

Your problem seems to indicate that the display connection is not well, or the CPU is not working. If you've tried the display connection that leaves the CPU. Try reseating/cleaning the CPU memory SIMMs [which run along the front edge of the main board PCB]. If the FLASH SIMM dies then you're going to have trouble finding a replacement. The DRAM SIMM is more available, but it would be better if you didn't have to replace it either.

You can look at micro contoller signals if you have a CRO to see what its up to...
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