SCSI doesn't work any more after installing internal IDE

Any problems with your Ultra sampler should be reported here, hopefully someone might know what's wrong.

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SCSI doesn't work any more after installing internal IDE

Postby elprez » Mon Dec 07, 2009 11:10 pm

Hey there!

I just installed an IDE drive into my Ultra6400 and it works like a dream. However, since then my computer doesn't recognize the EMU on the SCSI-port upon booting. Does anybody know what's wrong here?

Thanks in advance
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Re: SCSI doesn't work any more after installing internal IDE

Postby kalide » Tue Dec 08, 2009 5:33 am

Did it before ?

What worked before ? Did you have a SCSI drive ? Is termination enabled ? Is Ignore computer on SCSI ID XX enabled ?

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Re: SCSI doesn't work any more after installing internal IDE

Postby elprez » Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:45 am

Sorry, I should have provided this information. Yes, it did work before. And I didn't change the settings. Termination is enabled, as well as Ignore Host on ID. I used the SCSI port to send samples to and from my PC. But since the IDE drive is installed the PC doesn't see the EMU is there. In fact it sees something is on the SCSI port but does not recognize it as the EMU any longer, which it did before.
Hope somebody can help me on this, thx
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Re: SCSI doesn't work any more after installing internal IDE

Postby kalide » Thu Dec 10, 2009 4:40 am

Sounds like:

* termination problems (term on computer and on emu)
* ignore computer on scsi setting

Also double check you've not done something affecting the power - the IDE power cable on the Emu's is reversed from normal PC like connectors - so make sure the +12 off the motherboard is going to +12 on the drive, +5 and the two grounds....

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Re: SCSI doesn't work any more after installing internal IDE

Postby elprez » Fri Dec 11, 2009 3:09 pm

Now it works :grin: Don't know what was wrong because I didn't make any changes. But thanks anyway...
Posts: 6
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