RFX bugs?

Any problems with your Ultra sampler should be reported here, hopefully someone might know what's wrong.

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RFX bugs?

Postby dugawug » Wed Dec 10, 2003 5:56 am

I've heard that there are a couple of bugs inherent in EOS for the RFX card.
One is "random panning" and the other is "outbursts".
I think I read about both of these off this site:


So do people really experience these a lot? Are they going to be fixed? I definitely will be using my E4XT Ultra on stage and the outbursts thing really sounds f$%ed up.

I also understand EMU is pretty well over w/ their hardware stuff, in terms of sale, future development, and bug fixes. Kinda sux, huh?
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Postby illinformed » Wed Dec 10, 2003 1:03 pm

For live use I think the RFX is ok. I think the most useful part is the Multisetup part. It basically enables able you to record snapshorts of the Midi Mix screens - yum. It's great because you can assign FX as part of a multisetup too. You can flick between multisetups fairly quickly, the Midi Mix info changes almost instantaneously however any effect settings seem to to take a bit longer to load in. Unfortunately you can't change to different Multisetups via midi (well I haven't sussed it yet), a shame really as it would have been nice to tuck the emu away somewhere when playing live.

The effects are fine for live use but in my opinion they're not good enough to record with. There is a small amount of midi modulation available although not as much as I would have liked to have seen e.g. no realtime modulation of Karplus-Strong effects on the delays :cry:

I haven't suffered with the live 'outburst problem' yet but I think that's because when I play live I only use 2 main outputs - left and right.

It can be a steep learning curve getting to know the RFX inside out, but to be honest I love a technical challenge, I suppose it depends how quickly you need results.

The 'random panning' problem, well, where do I start. When the problem gets going it's terrible and makes recording a joke. Even more of a joke is the fact that the rfx adat option mirrors the analogue outputs so I wont be buying that option in the future. I can't believe that Sound on Sound managed to review the RFX and not catch up on this, in my opinion they just flipped through the menus and envisaged it's possibilities(if you hand't guessed it was this review that made me buy it ;) ).
Some tracks that I play live are so badly effected that I have to make them mono whereas others aren't that effected at all :???:

Summary, if you can get one cheapish and want to do live things with it then go get one. In my opinion it's too much of pain for studio use.
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Postby division2000 » Thu Dec 11, 2003 12:24 am

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Postby dugawug » Thu Dec 11, 2003 1:25 am

thanks d2k, but what did you end up doing? sending it back to EMU? did they fix it? i understand it's an EOS thing and we're all just screwed.
is that the conclusion?
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Postby division2000 » Thu Dec 11, 2003 11:55 am

u wanna know what i am doing????

getting crazy...i spent lots of money on this mashine, and i am absolutely happy about the operational modes...

except this damn thing...

i dont want to take rfx card out and work without it even temporary...i dont like idea of sending unit whoknowswhere [EMUland???] and have to wait for months...
finally after 2 yrs i have time to compose again and now i am fucked...

how many people here have the same problem?
how many people are under warranty?

lets try something...we have our rights!!!! :slayer:

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Postby dugawug » Thu Dec 11, 2003 9:09 pm

i hear ya d2k :slayer:
i'mma go right to EMU headquarters like this: :finger:
the random panning issue i think we're all just stuck w/ if we have an RFX card. see your oringinal post about the issue and my reply on page 2:


this bug has been there and unless we really stir up some shit w/ EMU, it always will be there.
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Postby dugawug » Thu Dec 11, 2003 10:06 pm

if you're in any way concerned about getting emu to keep up on fixing EOS bugs, such as the frequently frustrating "random panning" and "outbursts" bugs so commonly mentioned on this forum, write EMU here RIGHT NOW: EMU.Support@customercare.creative.com

i just wrote them this:

i am a recent purchaser of an E4XT Ultra and an RFX-32 card and am very unpleased that there are some major bugs with EOS in regards to the RFX card. one known bug, "random panning" has apparently been an issue in nearly every version of EOS. and 4.7's bug, "outbursts" is really a big one. i've been on forums and websites and many other people are frustrated with these issues like me. i'd like to hear that you are working on these and i want to know when a full and clean version of 4.7 will be released. i hear you are moving to software and i'd like to know you're not leaving your hardware users in the dark. thanks!"

it's nice but demanding and let's them know what we want!
copy it and change it how you want, but make sure you write them!
we gotta let them know...seriously, they're at the point of almost not caring to fix EOS anymore!
WRITE!! :slayer:
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Postby division2000 » Thu Dec 11, 2003 10:47 pm

do not worry about mailing them...i already have a nice collection...the persons i spoke and mail are:

Jennifer Hoey and mr.Norman [didnt got his surname]

one example of the answer is:


We are currently looking into this with our engineers so as soon as I
hear anything I will let you know.
In the meantime you could remove the RFX card in order to carry on

Best Regards,

Jennifer Hoey
Technical Support
E-MU Systems
+353 1 433 3205


lets make them fix the bug :slayer:
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Postby dugawug » Thu Dec 11, 2003 10:52 pm

well, yeah man, we gotta all write them...the more pressure the better. they're just feeding you and i a bunch of b.s. about "oh, we'll get back with you" a tech guy there pretty well told me straight up they weren't working on it anymore. they should be and we gotta all write them so they know. they'll let us wait our whole lives to hear back from them. they're not looking into shit.
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Postby illinformed » Fri Dec 12, 2003 12:06 am

Hmm, I'm not sure which post to reply to, there's 3 moaning about RFX ;)

Unfortunaltey I never really pushed the Emu that much when I got my RFX card, I was only working with long stereo samples so I never really noticed the problem. If I had the chance to take it back I definately would. Have you seen that the prices have just come down click here. Looks like end of the line if you ask me.

I did flag up the problems a number of times on the emusaic mailing list and was basically told to stop whinging, they knew about the problems and apparently moaning would not solve anything (except maybe someone else wasting their money whcih is a good thing right?) however, it was unlikely they would ever get fixed because there was not the money and time to look into it.
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Postby dugawug » Fri Dec 12, 2003 2:45 am

thanks for your input but whining is about all we can do here. the point is that we all need to whine loudly to EMU for anything to happen about the bugs that many of us experience. just b/c you obviously don't deal w/ the bugs doesn't mean others don't and that we shouldn't try to get them fixed.
yes, the E4's are on their way out, in fact, they're almost sold out at EMU altogether and production of them has ceased.

Last edited by dugawug on Fri Dec 12, 2003 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby illinformed » Fri Dec 12, 2003 11:16 am

Dont get me wrong, I'm not telling anyone to stop complaining about it, I want more people to complain so that eventually something may get done. Believe me, I dont enjoy having a product that destroys the lovely quality of my e6400 ultra, sometimes it's so bad it's laughable. It was only when I started a new project with short percussive samples that I became aware of the RFX's problems - roughly September 2002.

I was just expalining what happened when quite a few people started complaining on another newsgroup - a group which is (or was then) read by people who worked for emu/creative. I was basically told to be quiet about the issue as no matter what I said or posted got nowhere because they were 'aware' and that at the time no one left at E-mu to do any kind of EOS development. If you aske me, it just got under their skin being reminded that the RFX didn't work properly. Consequently I dont post on that board any longer. ;) Imagine if you were suddenly told (even if it was in an extremely polite way) there could be no more posting about the RFX and it's problems :shock:

As I posted before, if I had the chance to take it back and get a refund I would. Imagine a huge number of RFXs returned because they dont do the job properly - that might make a few more people take notice :grin:

This is a good topic and I especially like the emu tech support converstions that are being posted - we need more!!!
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Postby division2000 » Sat Dec 13, 2003 1:38 pm



how many people here are under warranty?
i am almost out of it, so i need to do something fast...very fast...
come on, give me some numbers...

and can all of u post replys u got from emu, so we can see if they are having "templates" of emails for that matter...

come on


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