Can't edit samples???

Any problems with your Ultra sampler should be reported here, hopefully someone might know what's wrong.

Moderators: ezman, stu, Ole

Postby drayon » Sun Jan 04, 2004 3:06 am

Deceptive wrote:Right I did some fiddling and started a new tune within the Emu. For some reason I was able to edit samples on my new track but not on my old track??? I'll see what setting are different between the two and hopefully this will be the key to an answer.

Well I see if I can do some working around and come up with a new solution as it could help someone out in the future! It must be some sort of EOS bug!

Thanks to all who provided help!


u using logic? i had a recent problem where my mod wheel would not send any data to logic, all other controllers worked fine. Turned out i had 'Automation Quick Access' enabled. Once i turned it off my mod wheel became active again took a while to figure out tho.
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Postby Deceptive » Sun Jan 04, 2004 11:19 am

Drayon where abouts is the setting for this mate?? I have had this problem on a previous project I was doing!


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