Trouble with external Iomega Zip Drive.

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Trouble with external Iomega Zip Drive.

Postby Dubreque » Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:37 pm

I picked up an ESI-4000 with OS 3.01 two weeks ago it's all working fine but I am having trouble getting an external Zip drive to work.

I already had an external 100MB Iomega Zip Drive so I just ordered the Centronics – DB25 SCSI cable I needed to hook the drive up to the ESI and then followed the guide in the user manual of powering up the drive first and then the E-mu but I just can not get the ESI to recognise the Zip drive.

I have read that some users on this forum have used external Iomega drives with no problems but I just can not get mine to work so if anyone has any ideas about where I might be going wrong then I would love to hear from you.
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Re: Trouble with external Iomega Zip Drive.

Postby Rascal Revenge » Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:14 am

First, you must terminate the zip (i.e. always the last drive in SCSI chain), I think with zips you can set termination on/off on the side somewhere, SCSI IDs need to be individual, on the zip If I remember correctly you can only set it to ID 5 or 6, right. ESIs SCSI must have a different ID then the one used on the ZIP, under MASTER >> 7 >> 0 = SCSI Setup. You must format the ZIP also to make it work with your sampler under MASTER/GLOBAL >> 7. Disk Utilities >> 6. Format , refer to the manual MASTER/GLOBAL section HD Interleave options, see the !CAUTION sidenote on the left on this manual-page regarding formatting a zip-drive. I think there were also certain ZIP-drives the E-mu didn't like, those which were produced by NEC for example, going from memory. 8-)
Last edited by Rascal Revenge on Tue Jan 10, 2012 3:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Rascal Revenge
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Re: Trouble with external Iomega Zip Drive.

Postby Dubreque » Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:27 am

Thanks for the tips, I'll give what you said a try. I was worried it simply wouldn't work but it looks like I might just have to make sure it's all set up properly.


It looks like my problem was that I was trying to use a Parallel drive rather than an SCSI. School Boy Error.
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Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:10 pm

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