LP+LFO Recording Problems...

Any problems with your Ultra sampler should be reported here, hopefully someone might know what's wrong.

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LP+LFO Recording Problems...

Postby Kinesics » Wed Feb 11, 2004 2:34 am

Hey Emusonacid Crew,

When recording in my E-Mu e5000 Ultra while playing back, or when resampling any patch with an LFO modulating a Low Pass Filter cut-off, many of the high frequencies are not captured. During playback, the patch sounds completely fine with plenty of grainey textures coming through. It's only when i hit record or resample that things get really muffled, and it only occurs with the LFO+LP process. I'm very confused... :cry:

I'm on eOS 4.6.1

Anyone know why this happens? Any siggestions on settings to tweak?

Thanks in advance :thumbs:
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Postby wrecker13 » Wed Feb 11, 2004 7:57 am

I just learned about this today. When you're resampling from an internal preset you have to turn the monitor off. So you won't see the signal response on the left and right channels on the sampling screen. That should do it. The monitor option is in the lower left hand corner of the sampling screen. Switch it Off. Just make sure you set your levels with it on first. The reason for turning it off has something to do with phase cancellation but I can't explain it any better than that.
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Postby sampleandhold » Sat Mar 20, 2004 5:11 am

that makes sense, it is playing the signal over it's self and perhaps inverting the wave form and thus causing destructive interference eliminating the high frequencies.

i do this sometimes in mix sets by playing two copies of the same song, it kind of goes like a flange but not in that way. by possitioning the songs a little bit out of time you can make the track sound like a 1930's recording or something that you would hear if you stood out side a club.
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