How is the Creative E-MU 1820 doing soundwise?

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How is the Creative E-MU 1820 doing soundwise?

Postby ehasting » Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:53 am

Hey.. i am today having a RME Digi96 soundcard which i use together with Ad/Da adat converter (realy shitty stuff.. but it does the work).. how will a E-Mu 1820 do it as a replacement of the rme.. is it a bad choice??

How is the drivers.. asio? WDM?.. what latency can you pull.. how are the ad/da.. and how are the mic preamp (acutally that arnt that important, since i have external preamps). is there noise in the card.

I am going to use it mainly with sonar

I know this isnt an emulator question.. but i just figured that some of you might use emu soundcards today.


I cant see the 1820 anymore on the emu's homepage under the product category.. is it discontinued?

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