I've purchased an E-mu Emulator IV rack module, 128MB of RAM, and the E-Synth card. My wish is to create multi-sampled drum kits and synthesize some thick analog-sounding bass sounds. The unit will be arriving on June 2nd. I have not found the Flash RAM needed to bring the EIV to the latest available EOS, which I've been told would allow for me to transfer WAV/AIF files via a SCSI Compactflash. I've also heard it is quite expensive.
In the meantime, I have been tempted to resell the EIV and purchase the Juno-G as it has a CompactFlash drive, voice editor software for my Mac, sample-playback, is more self-contained, would have a warranty, and has Juno synth-bass patches.

The only argument I can come up with for keeping the Emulator is that I've heard the E-Synth Orbit/Phatt Sessions ROM is really impressive and that sample playback for the Emulators is second-to-none. This is why I want to ask current E-mu sampler users...could anyone give me their take on this debate of mine? Thank you.