Filter envelope HOW?

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Filter envelope HOW?

Postby atomicmidi » Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:38 pm

Whatever I do, the filter envelope doesn't respond to my MIDI controller.. I change the envelope in the machine and no response either.. filter and resonance works. Tried both 100 and -100 values, etc.. there is nothing left to try! Somebody please tell me my machine (Ultra e5000) is not faulty!!

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Re: Filter envelope HOW?

Postby mosrob » Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:59 pm

First of all you have to be sure that your MIDI-Controller is sending MIDI Control Change data that your E5000 Ultra recognizes.
Check the settings of your E5000 Ultra in MASTER->SETUP->MIDI Control.
There you find the CC# your MIDI-Controller should send.
In the CORDs you have to assign the right MIDI-controller to modulate FENV with the respective amount.
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Re: Filter envelope HOW?

Postby atomicmidi » Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:56 pm

My controller is set to CC01 on Midi A for example, I then assign that Midi A to modulate FENV and nothing happens. But when I assign the same Midi A to modulate say, filter resonance, it works... I am at a loss here..
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Re: Filter envelope HOW?

Postby JAHFUNK » Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:25 am

Have you tried your controller with any of the c/c banks that I have posted?

If you have your controllers mapped to the same numbers as the emus midi controller page through from A to L then your midi controller should now have some effect on the filter envelope in these presets.

You may find that if the frequency cutoff is set to max on your controller, the filter envelope settings may not have any noticable effect .

Once you have achieved tweakable control of my bank you can then be sure that the controller is working and correctly mapped.

From here you can start to write your own presets.

If you then experience lack of envelope control try looking at how I set my cords.

To be honest it took me a lot of trial and error befor I had any success with envelopes.
You could always delete my samples, replace with your own and modify the settings to suit.

I generally start with a previously saved template (a sample-less preset) with the cords set as needed
Lfo filter Wobbles ( HPF LPF & BPF) Midi clock for filter wobbles and Amp Gates, Mono and Polysynths, whatever.

Try building some presets and then save a version without samples in a folder called TEMPLATES

Don,t forget envelope 3! I often use this for pitch (nice for those alpha Juno type Hoover synths)

Hope this helps :grin:
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Re: Filter envelope HOW?

Postby atomicmidi » Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:33 am

Thanks guys! Didn't expect the answers so quickly!

One more thing (before I try Jahfunks set!) - is it possible to change filter type from a midi controller?
Posts: 85
Joined: Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:20 am

Re: Filter envelope HOW?

Postby JAHFUNK » Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:39 am

For info on templates read here

Changing filter type from controller is not possible but you can stack two versions of the sound and cross fade or switch them with a controller. Now if you think about it, it's possible that the two versions of the sample have different filters, say LPF & HPF
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Joined: Sun May 16, 2010 11:05 pm

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