Velocity Crossfade demo/tutorial on E5000

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Velocity Crossfade demo/tutorial on E5000

Postby plz » Sun Aug 12, 2012 10:24 am

Have just started some basic experiments for sampling MIDI instruments (mainly for overcoming polyphony limitations) using a simple tool for generating the notes and have made a few videos which may be of some use; the latest shows my attempts at velocity cross-fading. It's pretty basic stuff compared to what you guys are into, but it's been an interesting learning curve for me.

I've had an EMU for years but never really got to grips with the underlying voice/preset editing. I used to think 3 oscs were a luxury on conventional h/w synths, but if I've understood the EMU correctly, each voice is an 'oscillator' with individual pitch, filter, adsr, lfo etc. so it has dozens :shock:
So maybe sampling other synths is the wrong way to go - just need to sample their basic waveforms and re-create their sounds using the EMU controls... and then came across JAHFUNK's recent posts on doing just that :roll:
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Re: Velocity Crossfade demo/tutorial on E5000

Postby JAHFUNK » Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:02 pm

Great vid. Very concise. I would just multi sample the synth with the filter wide open then assign the emu filters to velocity to get a smoother result on the filter cutoff with much less sample memory. But thanks for your info :grin:
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