Can someone explain how to layer in E-MU Ultra ?

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Can someone explain how to layer in E-MU Ultra ?

Postby billybuxton » Sat Mar 23, 2013 9:55 pm

Yo guys, i know there is not a lot of activity on here these days, but can somebody give me the run down on how to layer samples...

Basically i record the same sample 2 times into my E-MU and i want to roll off the high end on one and use the the z-planes on the mid range, but when i change one it also changes the other...

Does anyone know what i'm doing wrong ?

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Re: Can someone explain how to layer in E-MU Ultra ?

Postby mosrob » Sun Mar 24, 2013 12:30 am

For layering two sounds/samples, you have two options:
You create one Preset. Within this Preset you have to have two Voices (e.g. V1 and V2). You have to edit each Voice separately, assign one of your samples and set the Root-Key, Low-Key, High-Key, AmpEnv, FilterEnv, Filter settings, Cords, etc. for the voices.

You create two Presets with just one Voice (V1) in each of the Presets. You have to assign one of your samples to V1 of e.g. the first Preset and the second sample to the second Preset. You have to edit the Voices of each Preset and set the Root-Key, Low-Key, High-Key, AmpEnv, FilterEnv, Filter settings, Cords, etc. for the voices. Afterwards you edit the first Preset and go to the LINK page. There you have to add a LINK and choose the second Preset as the Preset to be linked to the first Preset.

That's it.
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Re: Can someone explain how to layer in E-MU Ultra ?

Postby JAHFUNK » Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:02 am

My aproach is as follows

1. Create a bank
2. Map one sample across the keyboard
3. Tweak the filter amp LFO etc
4. Copy the voice into the same bank (you now have a duplicate of the first sample layered on itself)
5. Change the copied sample to group number 2 ( it will have the same settings as the first, but as it now in a new group any further changes will only effect this sample)
6. Change the filter settings of group 2

You now have one sample layered on itself with the same settings, however the filter is set in a completely different way.
If you use the same sample stacked you will get phase issues. This can be overcome by shifting the sample start of either group by a small amount.
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Re: Can someone explain how to layer in E-MU Ultra ?

Postby JAHFUNK » Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:29 am

Info on copy procedure

COPY (Adding the sample/multisamples to the destination preset)
While in preset edit mode Select the preset you wish to copy
Highlight G1(Group 1)
Hit F1 (Utilities)
Hit F4 (Copy) and place source preset into destination preset
Change the group number of the newly added sample/multisample set to group 2

By changing the group number you can now individually alter pan, volume, transpose chorus, slide filter etc of either multisample set.
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Re: Can someone explain how to layer in E-MU Ultra ?

Postby billybuxton » Sun Mar 24, 2013 12:44 pm

Thanks guys, il give this a try
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:20 am

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