You made sound like you can mod each stage seperately using sysex... is that right?
yes, all 6 stage of the 3 EG, but you have to test the number given on the emu documentation, some numbers are messed up, they say ex: ## is for the decay2rate but you see the release2rate moving and the number for the release moves the decay.
E4_VOICE_VENV_SEG0_RATE, id = 70 (
46h,00h) min = 0; max = 127 (Atk1 Rate)
E4_VOICE_VENV_SEG0_TGTLVL, id = 71 (47h,00h) min = 0; max = 100 (Atk1 Level%)
E4_VOICE_VENV_SEG1_RATE, id = 72 (48h,00h) min = 0; max = 127 (Dcy1 Rate)
E4_VOICE_VENV_SEG1_TGTLVL, id = 73 (49h,00h) min = 0; max = 100 (Dcy1 Level%)
E4_VOICE_VENV_SEG2_RATE, id = 74 (4Ah,00h) min = 0; max = 127 (Rls1 Rate)
E4_VOICE_VENV_SEG2_TGTLVL, id = 75 (4Bh,00h) min = 0; max = 100 (Rls1 Level%)
E4_VOICE_VENV_SEG3_RATE, id = 76 (4Ch,00h) min = 0; max = 127 (Atk2 Rate)
E4_VOICE_VENV_SEG3_TGTLVL, id = 77 (4Dh,00h) min = 0; max = 100 (Atk2 Level%)
E4_VOICE_VENV_SEG4_RATE, id = 78 (4Eh,00h) min = 0; max = 127 (Dcy2 Rate)
E4_VOICE_VENV_SEG4_TGTLVL, id = 79 (4Fh,00h) min = 0; max = 100 (Dcy2 Level%)
E4_VOICE_VENV_SEG5_RATE, id = 80 (50h,00h) min = 0; max = 127 (Rls2 Rate)
E4_VOICE_VENV_SEG5_TGTLVL, id = 81 (51h,00h) min = 0; max = 100 (Rls2 Level%)